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Sigma KEE - GraphArc

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation GraphArc ChineseLanguage "Graph 是由 GraphNodeGraphArc 组成,每个 GraphArc 都会联系两个 GraphNode。") chinese_format.kif 2344-2345
(documentation GraphArc EnglishLanguage "Graphs are comprised of GraphNodes and GraphArcs. Every GraphArc links two GraphNodes.") Merge.kif 5845-5846
(documentation GraphArc JapaneseLanguage "GraphGraphNode および GraphArc で構成さ れる。すべての GraphArc は 2つの GraphNode をリンクする。") japanese_format.kif 1018-1019
(externalImage GraphArc " 5b/ 6n-graf.svg") pictureList.kif 1787-1787
(subclass GraphArc GraphElement) Merge.kif 5843-5843

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass GraphLoop GraphArc) Merge.kif 5853-5853
(termFormat ChineseLanguage GraphArc "图弧") chinese_format.kif 942-942
(termFormat EnglishLanguage GraphArc "graph arc") english_format.kif 1091-1091
(termFormat FrenchLanguage GraphArc "arc du graph") french_format.kif 618-618
(termFormat Hindi GraphArc "chaapa aalekha") terms-hindi.txt 149-149
(termFormat ItalianLanguage GraphArc "arco del grafo") terms-it.txt 152-152
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage GraphArc "グラフアーク") japanese_format.kif 2303-2303
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage GraphArc "Arco do Grafo") portuguese_format.kif 570-570
(termFormat cz GraphArc "graph arc") terms-cz.txt 186-186
(termFormat ro GraphArc "arc de graf") relations-ro.kif 639-639
(termFormat tg GraphArc "talaguhitang hubog") terms-tg.txt 153-153

appearance as argument number 3

(domain InitialNodeFn 1 GraphArc) Merge.kif 5923-5923
(domain TerminalNodeFn 1 GraphArc) Merge.kif 5933-5933
(domain arcWeight 1 GraphArc) Merge.kif 5965-5965
(domain links 3 GraphArc) Merge.kif 5876-5876
(partition GraphElement GraphNode GraphArc) Merge.kif 5821-5821


        (graphMeasure ?G ?M)
        (instance ?AN GraphNode)
        (graphPart ?AN ?G)
        (graphPart ?AA ?G)
        (instance ?AA GraphArc)
        (abstractCounterpart ?AN ?PN)
        (abstractCounterpart ?AA ?PA)
        (arcWeight ?AA ?N))
    (measure ?PA
        (MeasureFn ?N ?M)))
Merge.kif 6166-6177
        (instance ?GRAPH DirectedGraph)
        (instance ?ARC GraphArc)
        (graphPart ?ARC ?GRAPH))
    (exists (?NODE1 ?NODE2)
                (InitialNodeFn ?ARC) ?NODE1)
                (TerminalNodeFn ?ARC) ?NODE2))))
Merge.kif 5676-5684
        (instance ?GRAPH GraphPath)
        (instance ?ARC GraphArc)
        (graphPart ?ARC ?GRAPH)
            (InitialNodeFn ?ARC) ?NODE))
        (exists (?OTHER)
                    (InitialNodeFn ?OTHER) ?NODE)
                    (equal ?OTHER ?ARC))))))
Merge.kif 5727-5738
        (instance ?GRAPH GraphPath)
        (instance ?ARC GraphArc)
        (graphPart ?ARC ?GRAPH)
            (TerminalNodeFn ?ARC) ?NODE))
        (exists (?OTHER)
                    (TerminalNodeFn ?OTHER) ?NODE)
                    (equal ?OTHER ?ARC))))))
Merge.kif 5740-5751
    (instance ?ARC GraphArc)
    (exists (?NODE1 ?NODE2)
        (links ?NODE1 ?NODE2 ?ARC)))
Merge.kif 5848-5851


        (instance ?TS TransitSystem)
        (instance ?T Transitway)
        (abstractCounterpart ?G ?TS)
        (systemPart ?T ?TS))
    (exists (?GA)
            (instance ?GA GraphArc)
            (abstractCounterpart ?GA ?T)
            (graphPart ?GA ?G))))
Transportation.kif 3435-3445

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