FourStrokeIntake |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation FourStrokeIntake EnglishLanguage "In this cycle of a four stroke engine, air and vaporized fuel are drawn in.") | Cars.kif 168-169 | |
(subclass FourStrokeIntake Motion) | Cars.kif 166-166 |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage FourStrokeIntake "four stroke intake") | Cars.kif 167-167 |
antecedent |
(=> (and (instance ?F FourStrokeIntake) (instance ?C EngineCylinder) (instance ?I InternalCombustionChamber) (equal ?C (HoleHostFn ?I)) (eventLocated ?F ?C)) (exists (?FV ?M) (and (instance ?M GasMotion) (instance ?FV FuelVapor) (subProcess ?M ?F) (destination ?M ?I) (patient ?M ?FV)))) |
Cars.kif 171-184 |
consequent |
(=> (instance ?FSE FourStrokeEngine) (hasPurpose ?FSE (exists (?I ?CM ?CB ?E ?I2) (and (instance ?I FourStrokeIntake) (instance ?CM FourStrokeCompression) (instance ?CB FourStrokeCombustion) (instance ?E FourStrokeExhaust) (instance ?I2 FourStrokeIntake) (eventLocated ?I ?FSE) (eventLocated ?CM ?FSE) (eventLocated ?CB ?FSE) (eventLocated ?E ?FSE) (eventLocated ?I2 ?FSE) (meetsTemporally ?I ?CM) (meetsTemporally ?CM ?CB) (meetsTemporally ?CB ?E) (meetsTemporally ?E ?I2))))) |
Cars.kif 114-132 | |
(=> (instance ?FSE FourStrokeEngineCycle) (exists (?I ?CM ?CB ?E ?I2) (and (instance ?I FourStrokeIntake) (instance ?CM FourStrokeCompression) (instance ?CB FourStrokeCombustion) (instance ?E FourStrokeExhaust) (instance ?I2 FourStrokeIntake) (subProcess ?I ?FSE) (subProcess ?CM ?FSE) (subProcess ?CB ?FSE) (subProcess ?E ?FSE) (subProcess ?I2 ?FSE) (meetsTemporally ?I ?CM) (meetsTemporally ?CM ?CB) (meetsTemporally ?CB ?E) (meetsTemporally ?E ?I2)))) |
Cars.kif 147-164 |