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Sigma KEE - Chain

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Chain EnglishLanguage "A number of interconnected loops of metal that has strength in tension and is used like rope, although it often is much stronger. Note that this class does not include loops of metal not arranged in an interconnected line, such as chain mail armor or a chain link fence, which are connected in a plane. Chain may however be used to make up other artifacts, such as tire chains, in which sections of chain are joined into a grid or other arrangement.") Cars.kif 4445-4450
(subclass Chain Artifact) Cars.kif 4443-4443

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat EnglishLanguage Chain "chain") Cars.kif 4444-4444


    (instance ?C Chain)
    (exists (?CL1 ?CL2 ?CL3)
            (instance ?CL1 ChainLink)
            (instance ?CL2 ChainLink)
            (instance ?CL3 ChainLink)
                (equal ?CL1 ?CL2))
                (equal ?CL2 ?CL3))
                (equal ?CL3 ?CL1))
            (crosses ?CL1 ?CL2)
            (crosses ?CL2 ?CL3)
                (crosses ?CL1 ?CL3)))))
Cars.kif 4452-4468


    (instance ?TC TireChain)
    (exists (?C)
            (instance ?C Chain)
            (part ?C ?TC))))
Cars.kif 4507-4512

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