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Sigma KEE - CentralEuropeanInitiative

appearance as argument number 1

(dateEstablished CentralEuropeanInitiative
    (DayFn 11
        (MonthFn November
            (YearFn 1989))))
Government.kif 2929-2929
(externalImage CentralEuropeanInitiative " commons/ 1/ 16/ CEI_members.png") pictureList.kif 5906-5906
(instance CentralEuropeanInitiative OrganizationOfNations) Government.kif 2924-2924
(organizationalObjective CentralEuropeanInitiative EconomicCooperation) Government.kif 2930-2930
(organizationalObjective CentralEuropeanInitiative PoliticalCooperation) Government.kif 2931-2931

appearance as argument number 2

(abbreviation "CEI" CentralEuropeanInitiative) Government.kif 2926-2926
(conventionalLongName "Central European Initiative" CentralEuropeanInitiative) Government.kif 2925-2925
(formerName "Hexagonal Initiative" CentralEuropeanInitiative) Government.kif 2928-2928
(formerName "Quadrilateral Initiative" CentralEuropeanInitiative) Government.kif 2927-2927
(termFormat ChineseLanguage CentralEuropeanInitiative "中欧倡议") domainEnglishFormat.kif 13865-13865
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage CentralEuropeanInitiative "中歐倡議") domainEnglishFormat.kif 13864-13864
(termFormat EnglishLanguage CentralEuropeanInitiative "central european initiative") domainEnglishFormat.kif 13863-13863

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