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Sigma KEE - AutoImmuneDisorder

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation AutoImmuneDisorder EnglishLanguage "A condition in which the immune system attacks healthy parts of the body in error.") Medicine.kif 2195-2196
(subclass AutoImmuneDisorder PathologicProcess) Medicine.kif 2194-2194

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass AddisonsDisease AutoImmuneDisorder) Medicine.kif 2311-2311
(subclass AutoimmuneVasculitis AutoImmuneDisorder) Medicine.kif 2413-2413
(subclass CeliacDisease AutoImmuneDisorder) Medicine.kif 2706-2706
(subclass GravesDisease AutoImmuneDisorder) Medicine.kif 2323-2323
(subclass HashimotosThyroiditis AutoImmuneDisorder) Medicine.kif 2369-2369
(subclass InflammatoryBowelDisease AutoImmuneDisorder) Medicine.kif 2276-2276
(subclass Lupus AutoImmuneDisorder) Medicine.kif 2258-2258
(subclass MultipleSclerosis AutoImmuneDisorder) Medicine.kif 2247-2247
(subclass MyastheniaGravis AutoImmuneDisorder) Medicine.kif 2399-2399
(subclass PerniciousAnemia AutoImmuneDisorder) Medicine.kif 2684-2684
(subclass Psoriasis AutoImmuneDisorder) Medicine.kif 2241-2241
(subclass RheumatoidArthritis AutoImmuneDisorder) Medicine.kif 2224-2224
(subclass Sepsis AutoImmuneDisorder) Medicine.kif 5502-5502
(subclass SjogrensSyndrome AutoImmuneDisorder) Medicine.kif 2353-2353
(termFormat EnglishLanguage AutoImmuneDisorder "auto-immune disease") Medicine.kif 2198-2198
(termFormat EnglishLanguage AutoImmuneDisorder "auto-immune disorder") Medicine.kif 2197-2197


        (instance ?AI AutoImmuneDisorder)
        (experiencer ?AI ?H))
    (exists (?A ?D ?C)
            (instance ?A Antibody)
            (part ?A ?H)
            (instance ?C Cell)
            (part ?C ?H)
            (instance ?D Destruction)
            (instrument ?D ?A)
                (desires ?H
                        (instance ?D Destruction)
                        (instrument ?D ?A)))))))
Medicine.kif 2200-2216


    (attribute ?H DiabetesType1)
    (exists (?A)
            (instance ?A AutoImmuneDisorder)
            (experiencer ?A ?H))))
Medicine.kif 2149-2154
    (subclass ?I Immunosuppressive)
    (hasPurpose ?I
            (instance ?AID AutoImmuneDisorder)
            (diseaseMedicine ?AID ?I ?P))))
Medicine.kif 4614-4619

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