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Sigma KEE - AegilopsGrass

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation AegilopsGrass EnglishLanguage "Aegilops is a genus of Eurasian and North American plants in the grass family, Poaceae. They are known generally as goatgrasses. It is a diploid (2 sets of chromosomes) goatgrass. Genus Aegilops has played an important role in the taxonomy of wheat. The familiar common wheat (Triticum aestivum) arose when cultivated emmer wheat hybridized with Aegilops tauschii about 8,000 years ago.[wikipedia]") Economy.kif 3947-3951
(subclass AegilopsGrass Grass) Economy.kif 3946-3946

appearance as argument number 2

(names "goat grass" AegilopsGrass) Economy.kif 3953-3953
(subclass AegilopsSpeltoides AegilopsGrass) Economy.kif 3969-3969
(subclass AegilopsTauschii AegilopsGrass) Economy.kif 3962-3962
(termFormat EnglishLanguage AegilopsGrass "Aegilops grass") Economy.kif 3952-3952


        (instance ?A AegilopsGrass)
        (part ?C ?A)
        (instance ?C ?CLASS))
    (subclass ?CLASS DiploidCell))
Economy.kif 3955-3960


        (instance ?COLL Collection)
        (memberType ?COLL Chromosome)
        (member ?M ?COLL)
        (part ?M EmmerWheatGrass))
    (exists (?A ?B ?X ?Y)
            (subCollection ?A ?COLL)
            (instance ?A HomologousChromosomeSet)
            (memberType ?A ?X)
            (initialPart ?X EinkornWheatGrass)
            (subCollection ?B ?COLL)
            (instance ?B HomologousChromosomeSet)
            (memberType ?B ?Y)
            (initialPart ?Y AegilopsGrass))))
Economy.kif 3994-4009

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