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Sigma KEE - AcidRainfall

appearance as argument number 1

(causesSubclass AcidRainfall Acidification) Geography.kif 2537-2537
(documentation AcidRainfall ChineseLanguage "AcidRainfallRaining 的子类别, 这是当落下 的雨含有足够致害分量的 SulphurDioxide、 nitricOxide 或 NitrogenDioxide。酸雨的标准值是低于 5pH。") Geography.kif 2488-2490
(documentation AcidRainfall EnglishLanguage "AcidRainfall is the subclass of Raining in which the precipitate contains harmful amounts of SulphurDioxide, NitricOxide or NitrogenDioxide. The standard for acid rain is below 5pH.") Geography.kif 2484-2486
(externalImage AcidRainfall " weather/ rain_acid.png") pictureList.kif 2070-2070
(subclass AcidRainfall Raining) Geography.kif 2493-2493

appearance as argument number 2

(causesSubclass AirPollution AcidRainfall) Geography.kif 2536-2536
(termFormat ChineseLanguage AcidRainfall "酸雨") domainEnglishFormat.kif 5321-5321
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage AcidRainfall "酸雨") domainEnglishFormat.kif 5320-5320
(termFormat EnglishLanguage AcidRainfall "acid rainfall") domainEnglishFormat.kif 5319-5319


    (instance ?AR AcidRainfall)
    (exists (?RAIN ?PH)
            (instance ?RAIN Water)
            (patient ?AR ?RAIN)
            (measure ?RAIN
                (MeasureFn ?PH PHValue))
            (lessThan ?PH 5.0))))
Geography.kif 2509-2517
    (instance ?AR AcidRainfall)
    (exists (?RAIN ?SO2 ?NO ?NO2)
            (instance ?RAIN Water)
            (patient ?AR ?RAIN)
            (instance ?SO2 SulphurDioxide)
            (instance ?NO NitricOxide)
            (instance ?NO2 NitrogenDioxide)
                (part ?SO2 ?RAIN)
                (part ?NO ?RAIN)
                (part ?NO2 ?RAIN)))))
Geography.kif 2495-2507
    (patient ?RAIN AcidRainfall)
        (exists (?D ?O ?X ?L)
                (instance ?D Damaging)
                (causes ?RAIN ?D)
                (instrument ?D ?RAIN)
                (instance ?O Organism)
                (instance ?X StationaryArtifact)
                (instance ?L Outdoors)
                (located ?X ?L)
                (located ?O ?L)
                    (patient ?D ?O)
                    (patient ?D ?X)))) Possibility))
Geography.kif 2519-2534

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