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Sigma KEE - coilCount

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation coilCount EnglishLanguage "The number of windings in a WireCoil.") Cars.kif 3122-3122
(domain coilCount 1 WireCoil) Cars.kif 3119-3119 O argumento numero 1 de coilCount e' uma instancia de WireCoil
(domain coilCount 2 Integer) Cars.kif 3120-3120 O argumento numero 2 de coilCount e' uma instancia de Numero Inteiro
(instance coilCount BinaryPredicate) Cars.kif 3118-3118 coilCount e' uma instancia de Predicado Binario

appearance as argument number 2

(format EnglishLanguage coilCount "the number of coils in %1 is %n %2") Cars.kif 3121-3121
(termFormat EnglishLanguage coilCount "coil count") domainEnglishFormat.kif 65794-65794


        (instance ?T ElectricalTransformer)
        (instance ?WC1 WireCoil)
        (instance ?WC2 WireCoil)
        (coilCount ?WC1 ?N1)
        (coilCount ?WC2 ?N2)
        (holdsDuring ?T
            (measure ?WC1
                (MeasureFn Volt ?V1))))
        (holdsDuring ?T
            (measure ?WC2
                (MeasureFn Volt ?V2)))
        (equal ?V2
            (MultiplicationFn ?V1
                (DivisionFn ?N2 ?N1)))))
Cars.kif 3102-3116
    (coilCount ?WC ?N)
    (exists (?C ?C2F)
            (instance ?C Collection)
            (memberCount ?C ?N)
            (forall (?M)
                    (member ?M ?C)
                        (attribute ?M ?C2F)
                        (instance ?C2F ClosedTwoDimensionalFigure)
                        (part ?M ?WC)
                            (exists (?M2)
                                    (overlapsSpatially ?M2 ?M)
                                    (member ?M2 ?C))))))))))
Cars.kif 3124-3141

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