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Sigma KEE - NorwegianSignLanguage

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(documentation NorwegianSignLanguage EnglishLanguage "NorwegianSignLanguage is a DeafSignLanguage of Norway. SIL code: NSL. ISO 639-2: sgn. Population: 4,000 deaf users out of about 4,000 deaf (1986 Gallaudet Univ.). Dialects: HOLMESTRAND, OSLO, TRONDHEIM. Comments: Intelligible with Danish and Swedish sign languages with only moderate difficulty. Not intelligible with Finnish Sign Language. Used since 1815. The first deaf school was begun in 1825, first club in 1878. It is passed to the next generation mainly through the schools. 3 dialects are associated with 3 schools. Signed Norwegian is used by teachers, pupils use Norwegian Sign Language among themselves. Signed interpretation required in court, provided some for college students, in mental health programs. Sign language instruction provided for parents of deaf children. Many classes for hearing people. There is a committee on national sign language. There is a manual system for spelling. Films, TV, videos.(extract from http:/ / )") Languages.kif 960-973
(instance NorwegianSignLanguage DeafSignLanguage) Languages.kif 959-959 NorwegianSignLanguage e' uma instancia de DeafSignLanguage

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage NorwegianSignLanguage "挪威手语") domainEnglishFormat.kif 41267-41267
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage NorwegianSignLanguage "挪威手語") domainEnglishFormat.kif 41266-41266
(termFormat EnglishLanguage NorwegianSignLanguage "norwegian sign language") domainEnglishFormat.kif 41265-41265

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