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Sigma KEE - HuachipaeriLanguage

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(documentation HuachipaeriLanguage EnglishLanguage "The HuachipaeriLanguage is a HarakmbetLanguage of Peru. SIL code: HUG. ISO 639-2: sai. Population: 130 to 215 including about 12 Sapiteri, 10 Toyeri, 20 Arasairi, 50 Manuquiari, 36 to 50 Pukirieri (Puncuri) (1981 SIL). Region: Upper Madre de Dios and Keros rivers. Alternate names: HUACHIPAIRE, WACIPAIRE, 'MASHCO'. Dialects: HUACHIPAIRE, SAPITERI, TOYERI (TOYOERI, TUYUNERI), ARASAIRI. Comments: Closely related to Amarakaeri but they probably cannot use the same literature. The Sapiteri are integrating with the Amarakaeri. Toyeri is similar to Sapiteri. Some Kisambaeri (Amarakaeri dialect) have integrated with the Toyeri and others with the Sapiteri. Manuquiari may be a subgroup of Toyeri or Huachipaeri. Pukirieri may be a subgroup of Toyeri or Arasairi. Arasairi is distinct from Amarakaeri or Huachipaeri, similar to Sapiteri. Speakers are somewhat bilingual in Spanish. 'Mashco' is a derogatory name. SOV.(extract from http:/ / )") Languages.kif 6625-6637
(instance HuachipaeriLanguage HarakmbetLanguage) Languages.kif 6624-6624 HuachipaeriLanguage e' uma instancia de HarakmbetLanguage

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(termFormat ChineseLanguage HuachipaeriLanguage "huachipaeri语言") domainEnglishFormat.kif 28797-28797
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage HuachipaeriLanguage "huachipaeri語言") domainEnglishFormat.kif 28796-28796
(termFormat EnglishLanguage HuachipaeriLanguage "huachipaeri language") domainEnglishFormat.kif 28795-28795

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