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Sigma KEE - WorldFoodProgram
WorldFoodProgram(world food program)

appearance as argument number 1

(dateEstablished WorldFoodProgram
    (DayFn 24
        (MonthFn November
            (YearFn 1961))))
Government.kif 4308-4308 The day 24 is a date established of world food program
(externalImage WorldFoodProgram " 4/ 4f/ Un_c-130_food_delivery_rumbek_sudan.jpg") pictureList.kif 5694-5694
(instance WorldFoodProgram OrganizationOfNations) Government.kif 4305-4305 World food program is an instance of organization of nations
(organizationalObjective WorldFoodProgram FoodAid) Government.kif 4309-4309 Food aid is an organizational objective of world food program
(subOrganization WorldFoodProgram EconomicAndSocialCouncil) Government.kif 3092-3092 World food program is a part of the organization economic and social council
(subOrganization WorldFoodProgram UnitedNationsGeneralAssembly) Government.kif 3922-3922 World food program is a part of the organization united nations general assembly

appearance as argument number 2

(abbreviation "WFP" WorldFoodProgram) Government.kif 4307-4307 "WFP" is an abbreviation of world food program
(conventionalLongName "World Food Program" WorldFoodProgram) Government.kif 4306-4306 World food program is a conventional long name of "World Food Program"
(termFormat ChineseLanguage WorldFoodProgram "世界粮食计划") domainEnglishFormat.kif 63509-63509
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage WorldFoodProgram "世界糧食計劃") domainEnglishFormat.kif 63508-63508
(termFormat EnglishLanguage WorldFoodProgram "world food program") domainEnglishFormat.kif 63507-63507

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