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Sigma KEE - UnitedStatesCongress
UnitedStatesCongress(united states congress)
Congress, U.S._Congress, US_Congress, United_States_Congress

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation UnitedStatesCongress EnglishLanguage "The BicameralLegislature of the FederalGovernment of the UnitedStates, consisting of the UnitedStatesSenate and the UnitedStatesHouseOfRepresentatives.") Government.kif 1914-1914
(externalImage UnitedStatesCongress " commons/ 1/ 18/ Uscapitolindaylight.jpg") pictureList.kif 6939-6939
(externalImage UnitedStatesCongress " commons/ 7/ 76/ State_of_the_Union.jpg") pictureList.kif 8151-8151
(externalImage UnitedStatesCongress " commons/ d/ d9/ US_House_Committee.jpg") pictureList.kif 8152-8152
(instance UnitedStatesCongress LegislativeOrganization) Government.kif 1912-1912 United states congress is an instance of legislative organization
(subOrganization UnitedStatesCongress
    (GovernmentFn UnitedStates))
Government.kif 1913-1913 United states congress is a part of the organization the government of united states

appearance as argument number 2

(part UnitedStatesHouseOfRepresentatives UnitedStatesCongress) Government.kif 4780-4780 United states house of representatives is a part of united states congress
(part UnitedStatesSenate UnitedStatesCongress) Government.kif 4787-4787 United states senate is a part of united states congress
(termFormat ChineseLanguage UnitedStatesCongress "美国国会") domainEnglishFormat.kif 60352-60352
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage UnitedStatesCongress "美國國會") domainEnglishFormat.kif 60351-60351
(termFormat EnglishLanguage UnitedStatesCongress "united states congress") domainEnglishFormat.kif 60350-60350

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