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Sigma KEE - Breakfast

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Breakfast EnglishLanguage "Breakfast describes food that is usually the first meal of the day, eaten during the morning") Food.kif 1701-1702
(instance Breakfast RelationalAttribute) Food.kif 1700-1700 Breakfast is an instance of relational attribute

appearance as argument number 2

(subAttribute ContinentalBreakfast Breakfast) Food.kif 1718-1718 Continental breakfast is a subattribute of breakfast
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Breakfast "breakfast") Food.kif 1703-1703


        (instance ?X Buffet)
        (attribute ?X Breakfast))
        (forall (?FOOD)
                (member ?FOOD ?X)
                (attribute ?FOOD Breakfast))) Likely))
Dining.kif 295-303
        (instance ?X Meal)
        (attribute ?X Breakfast)
        (instance ?E Eating)
        (patient ?E ?X))
        (exists (?TIME)
                    (WhenFn ?E) ?TIME)
                (instance ?TIME BreakfastTime))) Likely))
Food.kif 1706-1716


        (instance ?X Buffet)
        (attribute ?X Breakfast))
        (forall (?FOOD)
                (member ?FOOD ?X)
                (attribute ?FOOD Breakfast))) Likely))
Dining.kif 295-303
    (instance ?X FullBoard)
        (includedMeal ?X Breakfast)
        (includedMeal ?X Lunch)
        (includedMeal ?X Dinner)))
Hotel.kif 1585-1590
    (instance ?X HalfBoard)
        (includedMeal ?X Breakfast)
        (includedMeal ?X Dinner)))
Hotel.kif 1597-1601
    (instance ?X MealPlanBreakfast)
    (includedMeal ?X Breakfast))
Hotel.kif 1628-1630
    (instance ?X MealPlanModifiedAmerican)
        (includedMeal ?X Breakfast)
            (includedMeal ?X Dinner)
            (includedMeal ?X Lunch))))
Hotel.kif 1638-1644

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