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Sigma KEE - BowlingLane
BowlingLane(bowling lane)alley, bowling_alley, skittle_alley

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation BowlingLane EnglishLanguage "BowlingLane is a StationaryArtifact that acts as a Transitway for a BowlingBall to knock down pins") Sports.kif 1143-1144
(subclass BowlingLane LandTransitway) Sports.kif 1142-1142 Bowling lane is a subclass of land transitway
(subclass BowlingLane StationaryArtifact) Sports.kif 1141-1141 Bowling lane is a subclass of stationary artifact

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat EnglishLanguage BowlingLane "bowling lane") Sports.kif 1145-1145


    (instance ?BL BowlingLane)
    (hasPurpose ?BL
        (exists (?TR ?BALL)
                (instance ?TR Translocation)
                (instance ?BALL BowlingBall)
                (patient ?TR ?BALL)
                (path ?TR ?BL)))))
Sports.kif 1147-1155


    (instance ?B Bowling)
    (exists (?BALL ?TRANS ?LANE)
            (instance ?TRANS Translocation)
            (instance ?BALL BowlingBall)
            (patient ?TRANS ?BALL)
            (instance ?LANE BowlingLane)
            (path ?TRANS ?LANE)
            (subProcess ?TRANS ?B))))
Sports.kif 1108-1117
    (instance ?BF BowlingFacility)
    (exists (?BL)
            (instance ?BL Collection)
            (memberType ?BL BowlingLane)
            (located ?BL ?BF))))
Sports.kif 1163-1169

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