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Sigma KEE - FrancoProvencalLanguage

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(documentation FrancoProvencalLanguage EnglishLanguage "The FrancoProvencalLanguage is a SoutheasternOielLanguage of France. SIL code: FRA. ISO 639-2: roa. Population: Population total all countries 77,000 or more. Region: Savoie, southeastern France, near the Italian and Switzerland borders. Alternate names: PATOIS. Dialects: DAUPHINOIS, LYONNAIS, NEUCATELAIS, SAVOYARD. Comments: Structurally separate language from Provencal, French, Piemontese, and Lombard (F. B. Agard). Bilingualism in French. Bible portions 1830. Also spoken in: Italy. (Language name: FRANCO-PROVENCAL.) Population: 70,000 in Italy (1971 census), including 700 Faetar speakers (1995 Naomi Nagy). Dialects: VALLE D'AOSTA (PATOE VALDOTEN, VALDOTAIN, VALDOSTANO), FAETO (FAETAR), CELLE SAN VITO. Comments: A structurally separate language from Provencal, French, Piemontese, and Lombard (F.B. Agard). Bilingualism in Italian, Piemontese. Most occasions. Bible portions 1830. Also spoken in: Switzerland. (Language name: FRANCO-PROVENCAL. Population: 7,000 in Valais Canton, Switzerland (1998). Alternate names: PATOIS. Dialects: SAVOYARD, NEUCH-TELOIS, VALAISAN, VAUDOIS. Comments: A structurally separate language from Provencal, French, Piemontese, and Lombard (F.B. Agard). Every canton in Switzerland has its own dialect, with no standardization. Difficult intelligibility among the dialects, and especially with Fribourg. Bilingualism in French. Valais Canton: young and old in Evolene commune, communes of Heremence, Vex, Saint-Martin, Saviese, Nendaz, Cermignon, Fully, Arbaz, Ayent, Vissole, and other smaller villages in the central Valais, and persons in towns like Sion and Sierre, spoken by persons 50 and older, understood by persons 35-40. Fribourg Canton: rural areas as Gruyere. Dictionary. Bible portions 1830.(extract from http:/ / )") Languages.kif 9943-9966
(instance FrancoProvencalLanguage SoutheasternOielLanguage) Languages.kif 9942-9942 FrancoProvencalLanguageSoutheasternOielLanguageinstance では %n

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage FrancoProvencalLanguage "佛朗哥普罗旺斯语") domainEnglishFormat.kif 24878-24878
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage FrancoProvencalLanguage "佛朗哥普羅旺斯語") domainEnglishFormat.kif 24877-24877
(termFormat EnglishLanguage FrancoProvencalLanguage "franco provencal language") domainEnglishFormat.kif 24876-24876

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