Vehicle(vehicle) | boneshaker, camper, camping_bus, craft, motor_home, picket, roll-on_roll-off, self-propelled_vehicle, skibob, vehicle, welcome_wagon |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation Vehicle ChineseLanguage "Vehicle 是 TransportationDevice 子类别,它通过自 身从一处移动往别处,同时也把乘客或货物和它一同从一处运载到另外一处,如:汽车、卡车、渡轮和飞机。它和通过移动 部件把东西从一处带到另外一处的设备如:导管、自动扶梯或超市用的结账运输带对比,而不需把设备从源处移到目的地。") | chinese_format.kif 3625-3627 | |
(documentation Vehicle EnglishLanguage "Vehicle is the subclass of TransportationDevices that transport passengers or goods from one place to another by moving from one place to the other with them, e.g., cars, trucks, ferries, and airplanes. Contrast with devices such as pipelines, escalators, or supermarket checkout belts, which carry items from one place to another by means of a moving part, without the device removing from the origin to the destination.") | Merge.kif 16047-16054 | |
(externalImage Vehicle "") | pictureList.kif 6957-6957 | |
(externalImage Vehicle "") | pictureList.kif 8214-8214 | |
(externalImage Vehicle "") | pictureList-ImageNet.kif 589-589 | |
(subclass Vehicle TransportationDevice) | Merge.kif 16046-16046 | Vehicle is a subclass of transportation device |
appearance as argument number 2 |
appearance as argument number 3 |
(domain TripFn 1 Vehicle) | Transportation.kif 1583-1583 | The number 1 argument of trip is an instance of vehicle |
(domain maximumPayloadCapacity 1 Vehicle) | MilitaryDevices.kif 81-81 | The number 1 argument of maximum payload capacity is an instance of vehicle |
(domain maximumPayloadHeightWidth 1 Vehicle) | MilitaryDevices.kif 109-109 | The number 1 argument of maximum payload height width is an instance of vehicle |
(domain onboard 2 Vehicle) | Mid-level-ontology.kif 17429-17429 | The number 2 argument of onboard is an instance of vehicle |
(domain topSpeed 1 Vehicle) | Transportation.kif 1710-1710 | The number 1 argument of top speed is an instance of vehicle |
antecedent |
consequent |