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Sigma KEE - TlachichilcoTepehuaLanguage

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(documentation TlachichilcoTepehuaLanguage EnglishLanguage "The TlachichilcoTepehuaLanguage is a TepehuaGroupLanguage of Mexico. SIL code: TPT. ISO 639-2: cai. Population: 3,000 (1990 SIL). Region: Tlachichilco, Veracruz. Comments: 37% intelligibility with Pisa Flores (closest). Bilingual level estimates for Spanish are 0 5%, 1 20%, 2 50%, 3 20%, 4 4%, 5 1%. Otomi, Nahuatl also used. SVO, nontonal, long words, affixes, clitics. Literacy rate in first language: 2%. Literacy rate in second language: 10%. Tropical. Mountain slope. Swidden, peasant agriculturalists. 500 to 900 meters. Bible portions 1985-1999.(extract from http:/ / )") Languages.kif 13355-13362
(instance TlachichilcoTepehuaLanguage TepehuaGroupLanguage) Languages.kif 13354-13354 TlachichilcoTepehuaLanguage è un' istanza di TepehuaGroupLanguage

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(termFormat ChineseLanguage TlachichilcoTepehuaLanguage "特拉奇奇科·特佩瓦语") domainEnglishFormat.kif 58220-58220
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage TlachichilcoTepehuaLanguage "特拉奇奇科·特佩瓦語") domainEnglishFormat.kif 58219-58219
(termFormat EnglishLanguage TlachichilcoTepehuaLanguage "tlachichilco tepehua language") domainEnglishFormat.kif 58218-58218

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