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Sigma KEE - TamasheqLanguage

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(documentation TamasheqLanguage EnglishLanguage "The TamasheqLanguage is a SouthernTamasheqLanguage of Mali. SIL code: TAQ. ISO 639-2: tmh. Population: 250,000 or more in Mali (1991). Population total all countries 270,000 or more. Region: Central, Timbuktu area, and northeast Mali. Also spoken in Algeria, Burkina Faso. Alternate names: KIDAL TAMASHEQ, TOMACHECK, TAMASHEKIN, 'TUAREG', TIMBUKTU, KIDAL. Dialects: TIMBUKTU (TOMBOUCTOU, TANASLAMT), TADHAQ (KIDAL). Comments: It may be two separate languages. The people are called 'Kel Tamasheq', the language 'Tamasheq'. The Bellah were formerly under the Tuareg economically. Investigation needed: intelligibility with dialects. The government is actively promoting the language through adult literacy classes. Language of instruction at primary level in some experimental schools. Pastoralists: cattle, goats, camels, donkeys. Muslim. Bible portions 1953-1998. Also spoken in: Burkina Faso. (Language name: TAMASHEQ, KIDAL.) Population: 20,000 to 30,000 in Burkina Faso (1991 SIL). Alternate names: TIMBUKTU, TOMACHECK, TAMASHEKIN, TUAREG. Dialects: TIMBUKTU (TOMBOUCTOU, TANASLAMT), TADGHAQ (KIDAL). Comments: The two dialects may be separate languages. People are called 'Tuareg' ('Targi', singular), language 'Tamasheq.' Muslim. Bible portions 1953.(extract from http:/ / )") Languages.kif 4982-4999
(externalImage TamasheqLanguage " d/ d7/ Tuareg_area.png") pictureList.kif 8749-8749
(instance TamasheqLanguage SouthernTamasheqLanguage) Languages.kif 4981-4981 TamasheqLanguage è un' istanza di SouthernTamasheqLanguage

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage TamasheqLanguage "tamasheq语言") domainEnglishFormat.kif 56875-56875
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage TamasheqLanguage "tamasheq語言") domainEnglishFormat.kif 56874-56874
(termFormat EnglishLanguage TamasheqLanguage "tamasheq language") domainEnglishFormat.kif 56873-56873

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