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Sigma KEE - Soccer

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Soccer EnglishLanguage "Soccer is a football game in which two teams of 11 players try to kick or head a SoccerBall into the opponents' goal.") Sports.kif 157-157
(subclass Soccer TeamSport) Sports.kif 156-156 Soccer è una sottoclasse di TeamSport

appearance as argument number 2

(names "European football" Soccer) Sports.kif 161-161 names "European football" and Soccer
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Soccer "英式足球比赛") Sports.kif 159-159
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage Soccer "英式足球比賽") Sports.kif 160-160
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Soccer "soccer") Sports.kif 158-158


    (instance ?S Soccer)
    (exists (?A ?B ?M1 ?M2)
            (instance ?A GroupOfPeople)
            (memberCount ?A 11)
            (instance ?B GroupOfPeople)
            (memberCount ?B 11)
                (equal ?A ?B))
            (member ?M1 ?A)
            (member ?M1 ?B)
            (enemy ?M1 ?M2))))
Sports.kif 163-175
    (instance ?S Soccer)
    (exists (?BALL)
            (instance ?BALL SoccerBall)
            (patient ?S ?BALL))))
Sports.kif 177-182


    (attribute ?ATHLETE FootballerSoccer)
    (hasSkill Soccer ?ATHLETE))
Sports.kif 412-414
    (instance ?BALL SoccerBall)
    (hasPurpose ?BALL
        (exists (?S ?K)
                (instance ?S Soccer)
                (instance ?K Kicking)
                (subProcess ?K ?S)
                (patient ?K ?BALL)))))
Sports.kif 313-321

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