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Sigma KEE - LombardLanguage
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(documentation LombardLanguage EnglishLanguage "The LombardLanguage is a GalloItalianLanguage of Italy. SIL code: LMO. ISO 639-2: roa. Population: 8,671,210 in Italy (1976). Population total all countries: 8,974,000. Region: Milan, Lombardy, 3 valleys of Graubnnden (Val Mesolcina, Val Bregaglia, Val Poschiavo), northern Italy. Western Lombard varieties also in Sicily. Ticino is in Switzerland. Also spoken in Switzerland, USA. Alternate names: LOMBARDO. Dialects: MILANESE, EASTERN LOMBARD, WESTERN LOMBARD (PIAZZA ARMERINA, NOVARA, NICOSIA, SAN FRATELLO), ALPINE LOMBARD, NOVARESE LOMBARD, TRENTINO WESTERN, LATIN FIAMAZZO, LATIN ANAUNICO, BERGAMASCO, TICINESE (TICINO). Comments: A group of dialects, some of which may be separate languages. Western Lombard dialects (of Ticino and Graubnnden) are inherently intelligible to each other's speakers. Speakers in more conservative valleys may have to use some kind of 'standard' dialect to communicate with speakers of other dialects of Lombard. Very different from Standard Italian. Speakers may all be adequately bilingual in Standard Italian. Not endangered. Investigation needed: intelligibility with dialects, bilingual proficiency in Italian. Bible portions 1859-1860. Also spoken in: Switzerland. (Language name: LOMBARD.) Population: 303,000 or fewer (1995). Dialects: TICINESE (TICINO, TESSINIAN, TICINES, TICINEES). Comments: No intelligibility with Standard Italian. Speakers are adequately bilingual in Standard Italian. Ticinese is the form of Lombard used in the home in Italy. Used more extensively in Switzerland than in Italy. 14.5% of the population of Switzerland speak 'Italian' every day (1990 census). Dictionary. Radio programs, TV. Bible portions 1859-1860.(extract from http:/ / )") Languages.kif 9683-9705
(externalImage LombardLanguage " 1/ 18/ Italy_Regions_Lombardy_Map.png") pictureList.kif 10102-10102
(externalImage LombardLanguage " 3/ 33/ LSI_CDE.jpg") pictureList.kif 11370-11370
(externalImage LombardLanguage " 6/ 69/ Bait_dal_comun.jpg") pictureList.kif 11369-11369
(externalImage LombardLanguage " 9/ 90/ Lombardy_Provinces.png") pictureList.kif 11367-11367
(externalImage LombardLanguage " f/ fd/ St%C3%BCa_Pus%27ciavina.jpg") pictureList.kif 11368-11368
(instance LombardLanguage GalloItalianLanguage) Languages.kif 9682-9682 LombardLanguage è un' istanza di GalloItalianLanguage

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage LombardLanguage "伦巴德语") domainEnglishFormat.kif 34961-34961
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage LombardLanguage "倫巴德語") domainEnglishFormat.kif 34960-34960
(termFormat EnglishLanguage LombardLanguage "lombard language") domainEnglishFormat.kif 34959-34959

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