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Sigma KEE - LogudoreseSardinianLanguage

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(documentation LogudoreseSardinianLanguage EnglishLanguage "The LogudoreseSardinianLanguage is a SardinianLanguage of Italy. SIL code: SRD. ISO 639-1: sc. ISO 639-2: srd. Population: 1,500,000 including all Sardinian languages (1977 M. Ibba, Rutgers University). Region: Central Sardinia. Alternate names: SARD, SARDARESE, LOGUDORESE, CENTRAL SARDINIAN. Dialects: NUORESE, NORTHERN LOGUDORESE, BARBARICINO, SOUTHWESTERN LOGUDORESE. Comments: No one form of Sardinian is selected as standard for literary purposes. Logudorese is quite different from other Sardinian varieties. 68% lexical similarity with Standard Italian, 73% with Sassarese and Cagliarese, 70% with Gallurese. 'Sardinian' has 85% lexical similarity with Italian, 80% with French, 78% with Portuguese, 76% with Spanish, 74% with Rumanian and Rheto-Romance. Italian is used for literary and teaching purposes. Farmers and housewives over 35 use almost no Italian. Sardinian is in general use in central and southern areas. It has prestige equal to Italian in some contexts including writing. There is a growing movement to recognize Sard as an important part of their linguistic and cultural heritage. Christian. Bible portions 1858-1861.(extract from http:/ / )") Languages.kif 10660-10675
(instance LogudoreseSardinianLanguage SardinianLanguage) Languages.kif 10659-10659 LogudoreseSardinianLanguage è un' istanza di SardinianLanguage

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(termFormat ChineseLanguage LogudoreseSardinianLanguage "logudorese撒丁岛语") domainEnglishFormat.kif 34943-34943
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage LogudoreseSardinianLanguage "logudorese撒丁島語") domainEnglishFormat.kif 34942-34942
(termFormat EnglishLanguage LogudoreseSardinianLanguage "logudorese sardinian language") domainEnglishFormat.kif 34941-34941

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