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Sigma KEE - Desloratadine

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(documentation Desloratadine EnglishLanguage "Desloratadine (trade name Clarinex and Aerius) is a tricyclic H1 antagonist that is used to treat allergies. It is an active metabolite of Loratadine. Desloratadine is used to treat AllergicRhinitis, nasal congestion and chronic idiopathic urticaria (Hives). It is the major metabolite of loratadine and the two drugs are similar in safety and effectiveness. Desloratadine is available in many dosage forms and under many trade names worldwide. The most common side-effects are fatigue, dry mouth, and headache.[from Wikipedia]") Medicine.kif 4707-4715
(subclass Desloratadine Medicine) Medicine.kif 4705-4705 Desloratadine è una sottoclasse di Medicine

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass Aerius Desloratadine) Medicine.kif 4722-4722 Aerius è una sottoclasse di Desloratadine
(subclass Clarinex Desloratadine) Medicine.kif 4719-4719 Clarinex è una sottoclasse di Desloratadine
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Desloratadine "desloratadine") Medicine.kif 4717-4717

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