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Sigma KEE - rangeSubclass

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation rangeSubclass ChineseLanguage "(rangeSubclass ?FUNCTION ?CLASS) 的意思是 所有由 ?FUNCTION 所指定的值,都是这个 ?CLASS 的 subclass。") chinese_format.kif 1492-1493
(documentation rangeSubclass EnglishLanguage "(rangeSubclass ?FUNCTION ?CLASS) means that all of the values assigned by ?FUNCTION are subclasses of ?CLASS.") Merge.kif 336-337
(documentation rangeSubclass JapaneseLanguage "(rangeSubclass ?FUNCTION ?CLASS) とは、 FUNCTIONによって割り当てられた値はすべて、?CLASSの subclass である、という意味である。") japanese_format.kif 53-54
(documentation rangeSubclass SpanishLanguage "(rangeSubclass ?FUNCTION ?CLASS) significa que todos los valores asignados por ?FUNCTION son subclasses de ?CLASS.") spanish_format.kif 58-59
(domain rangeSubclass 1 Function) Merge.kif 334-334 The number 1 argument of range subclass is an instance of function
(domainSubclass rangeSubclass 2 Class) Merge.kif 335-335 The number 2 argument of range subclass is a subclass of class
(instance rangeSubclass AsymmetricRelation) Merge.kif 333-333 range subclass is an instance of asymmetric relation
(instance rangeSubclass BinaryPredicate) Merge.kif 332-332 range subclass is an instance of binary predicate

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage rangeSubclass "%1 的所得值 %n 是 %2 的 subclass") chinese_format.kif 329-329
(format EnglishLanguage rangeSubclass "the values returned by %1 are %n subclasses of %2") english_format.kif 334-334
(format FrenchLanguage rangeSubclass "les valeurs retourn�es par %1 sont des %n sous-classes de %2") french_format.kif 187-187
(format ItalianLanguage rangeSubclass "i valori resi da %1 sono sottoclassi di%2") relations-it.txt 240-240
(format JapaneseLanguage rangeSubclass "%1 が返す値は %2 の subclasses では %n") japanese_format.kif 2007-2007
(format PortugueseLanguage rangeSubclass "os valores retornados por %1 sao as %n sub-classes de %2") portuguese_format.kif 139-139
(format de rangeSubclass "die werte die %1 zurueckgibt sind teilkategorien von %2") relations-de.txt 433-433
(format hi rangeSubclass "%1 dvaaraa pratyaanayita maana %2 kaa upavarga hai") relations-hindi.txt 278-278
(format ro rangeSubclass "valorile returnate de %1 %n{nu} sunt subclasses%t{subclase} ale lui %2") relations-ro.kif 207-207
(format sv rangeSubclass "värdena som returneras av %1 är %n{inte} subklasser till %2") relations-sv.txt 198-198
(format tg rangeSubclass "ang mga kabuluhan bumabalik ng %1 ay ang mga klase ng mababa %2") relations-tg.txt 432-432
(termFormat ChineseLanguage rangeSubclass "子类别的范围") chinese_format.kif 330-330
(termFormat ChineseLanguage rangeSubclass "范围子类") domainEnglishFormat.kif 48766-48766
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage rangeSubclass "範圍子類") domainEnglishFormat.kif 48765-48765
(termFormat EnglishLanguage rangeSubclass "range subclass") domainEnglishFormat.kif 48764-48764


        (rangeSubclass ?FUNCTION ?CLASS)
            (AssignmentFn ?FUNCTION @ROW) ?VALUE))
    (subclass ?VALUE ?CLASS))
Merge.kif 339-343
        (rangeSubclass ?REL ?CLASS1)
        (rangeSubclass ?REL ?CLASS2))
        (subclass ?CLASS1 ?CLASS2)
        (subclass ?CLASS2 ?CLASS1)))
Merge.kif 351-357
        (rangeSubclass ?REL1 ?CLASS1)
        (rangeSubclass ?REL2 ?CLASS2)
        (disjoint ?CLASS1 ?CLASS2))
    (disjointRelation ?REL1 ?REL2))
Merge.kif 440-445
        (subrelation ?REL1 ?REL2)
        (rangeSubclass ?REL2 ?CLASS1))
    (rangeSubclass ?REL1 ?CLASS1))
Merge.kif 345-349


        (subrelation ?REL1 ?REL2)
        (rangeSubclass ?REL2 ?CLASS1))
    (rangeSubclass ?REL1 ?CLASS1))
Merge.kif 345-349

appearance as argument number 0

(rangeSubclass AgentOfOrganismFn BiologicalAgent) WMD.kif 88-88 The values returned by Agent of organism fn are subclasses of biological agent
(rangeSubclass AlbumCopiesFn DataStorageDevice) Music.kif 932-932 The values returned by album copies function are subclasses of data storage device
(rangeSubclass AttrFn Object) Merge.kif 1776-1776 The values returned by attr are subclasses of object
(rangeSubclass BodyAreaFn BodyPart) Medicine.kif 6235-6235 The values returned by BodyAreaFn are subclasses of body part
(rangeSubclass BodySideFn BodyPart) Merge.kif 15019-15019 The values returned by Body side fn are subclasses of body part
(rangeSubclass ConstitutionFn Constitution) Government.kif 639-639 The values returned by constitution are subclasses of constitution
(rangeSubclass CoveringFn WearableItem) Mid-level-ontology.kif 29777-29777 The values returned by Covering fn are subclasses of wearable item
(rangeSubclass CutSetFn GraphPath) Merge.kif 6073-6073 The values returned by cut set are subclasses of graph path
(rangeSubclass DayFn Day) Merge.kif 8626-8626 The values returned by day are subclasses of day
(rangeSubclass DeadFn OrganismRemains) Merge.kif 18555-18555 The values returned by Dead fn are subclasses of organism remains
(rangeSubclass DemonymFn NationalPerson) Mid-level-ontology.kif 30655-30655 The values returned by Demonym fn are subclasses of national person
(rangeSubclass DocumentFn Text) Geography.kif 3013-3013 The values returned by document are subclasses of text
(rangeSubclass EdemaFn Edema) Mid-level-ontology.kif 10007-10007 The values returned by edema are subclasses of swelling
(rangeSubclass EditionFn ContentBearingObject) Merge.kif 15556-15556 The values returned by edition are subclasses of content bearing object
(rangeSubclass ElectionFn Election) Government.kif 1650-1650 The values returned by election are subclasses of election
(rangeSubclass FailureFn Process) ComputingBrands.kif 4515-4515 The values returned by failure fn are subclasses of process
(rangeSubclass FarmOfProductFn CultivatedLandArea) Food.kif 3668-3668 The values returned by farm of product fn are subclasses of cultivated land area
(rangeSubclass FiscalYearFn TimeInterval) Economy.kif 3698-3698 The values returned by fiscal year are subclasses of time interval
(rangeSubclass FoodForFn SelfConnectedObject) Merge.kif 14905-14905 The values returned by food for fn are subclasses of self connected object
(rangeSubclass GeographicPartTypeFn GeographicArea) Geography.kif 6915-6915 The values returned by geographic part type fn are subclasses of geographic area
(rangeSubclass GraphPathFn GraphPath) Merge.kif 6057-6057 The values returned by graph path are subclasses of graph path
(rangeSubclass HourFn Hour) Merge.kif 8651-8651 The values returned by hour are subclasses of hour
(rangeSubclass ImpairmentFn BiologicalProcess) Merge.kif 13516-13516 The values returned by impairment are subclasses of biological process
(rangeSubclass IntervalFn ConstantQuantity) Merge.kif 6586-6586 The values returned by interval are subclasses of constant quantity
(rangeSubclass JuiceOfFn Juice) Food.kif 2600-2600 The values returned by juice of fn are subclasses of juice

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