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Sigma KEE - CentralAmericanBankForEconomicIntegration
CentralAmericanBankForEconomicIntegration(central american bank for economic integration)

appearance as argument number 1

(dateEstablished CentralAmericanBankForEconomicIntegration
    (DayFn 13
        (MonthFn December
            (YearFn 1960))))
Government.kif 2914-2914 The day 13 is a date established of central american bank for economic integration
(instance CentralAmericanBankForEconomicIntegration OrganizationOfNations) Government.kif 2910-2910 Central american bank for economic integration is an instance of organization of nations
(organizationalObjective CentralAmericanBankForEconomicIntegration EconomicDevelopment) Government.kif 2916-2916 Economic development is an organizational objective of central american bank for economic integration
(organizationalObjective CentralAmericanBankForEconomicIntegration EconomicIntegration) Government.kif 2915-2915 Economic integration is an organizational objective of central american bank for economic integration

appearance as argument number 2

(abbreviation "BCIE" CentralAmericanBankForEconomicIntegration) Government.kif 2912-2912 "BCIE" is an abbreviation of central american bank for economic integration
(conventionalLongName "Central American Bank for Economic Integration" CentralAmericanBankForEconomicIntegration) Government.kif 2911-2911 Central american bank for economic integration is a conventional long name of "Central American Bank for Economic Integration"
(localLongName "Banco Centroamericano de Integracion Economico" CentralAmericanBankForEconomicIntegration) Government.kif 2913-2913 Central american bank for economic integration is a local long name of "Banco Centroamericano de Integracion Economico"
(termFormat ChineseLanguage CentralAmericanBankForEconomicIntegration "中美洲经济一体化银行") domainEnglishFormat.kif 13794-13794
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage CentralAmericanBankForEconomicIntegration "中美洲經濟一體化銀行") domainEnglishFormat.kif 13793-13793
(termFormat EnglishLanguage CentralAmericanBankForEconomicIntegration "central american bank for economic integration") domainEnglishFormat.kif 13792-13792

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