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Sigma KEE - PutOption

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation PutOption EnglishLanguage "An option contract that gives the holder the right to sell a certain quantity of an underlying security to the writer of the option, at a specified price (strike price) up to a specified date (expiration date).") FinancialOntology.kif 2664-2667
(externalImage PutOption " 1/ 18/ NASDAQ_studio.jpg") pictureList.kif 11687-11687
(externalImage PutOption " 7/ 72/ Boerse_01_KMJ.jpg") pictureList.kif 11686-11686
(externalImage PutOption " PutWrite.png") pictureList.kif 10210-10210
(externalImage PutOption " PutOption.png") pictureList.kif 11685-11685
(subAttribute PutOption Option) FinancialOntology.kif 2663-2663

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage PutOption "放选项") domainEnglishFormat.kif 48239-48239
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage PutOption "放選項") domainEnglishFormat.kif 48238-48238
(termFormat EnglishLanguage PutOption "put option") domainEnglishFormat.kif 48237-48237


    (exists (?Stock ?StockPrice ?StrikePrice)
            (instance ?Option PutOption)
            (underlier ?Option ?Stock)
            (price ?Stock
                (MeasureFn ?StockPrice ?U) ?Time)
            (instance ?U UnitOfCurrency)
            (strikePrice ?Option
                (MeasureFn ?StrikePrice ?U))
            (lessThan ?StockPrice ?StrikePrice)))
    (inTheMoney ?Option ?Time))
FinancialOntology.kif 3015-3026
    (exists (?Stock ?StockPrice ?StrikePrice)
            (instance ?Option PutOption)
            (underlier ?Option ?Stock)
            (price ?Stock
                (MeasureFn ?StockPrice ?U) ?Time)
            (instance ?U UnitOfCurrency)
            (strikePrice ?Option
                (MeasureFn ?StrikePrice ?U))
            (lessThan ?StrikePrice ?StockPrice)))
    (outOfTheMoney ?Option ?Time))
FinancialOntology.kif 3064-3075
        (instance ?Exercise ExerciseAnOption)
        (patient ?Exercise ?Option)
        (property ?Option PutOption)
        (time ?Exercise ?Time)
        (underlier ?Option ?Stocks))
    (exists (?Sell)
            (instance ?Sell Selling)
            (patient ?Sell ?Stocks)
            (time ?Sell ?Time)
            (measure ?Stocks
                (MeasureFn 100 ShareUnit)))))
FinancialOntology.kif 2768-2780


    (instance ?Straddle Straddle)
    (exists (?Call ?Price ?Date ?Number ?Put)
                    (KappaFn ?Call
                            (instance ?Call CallOption)
                            (part ?Call ?Straddle)))) ?Number)
                    (KappaFn ?Put
                            (instance ?Put PutOption)
                            (part ?Put ?Straddle)))) ?Number)
            (forall (?Option)
                        (instance ?Option Option)
                        (part ?Option ?Straddle))
                        (agreementExpirationDate ?Option ?Date)
                        (strikePrice ?Option ?Price)))))))
FinancialOntology.kif 3149-3173
    (property ?Option Option)
    (exists (?Type ?Date ?Stock ?Price)
                (equal ?Type CallOption)
                (equal ?Type PutOption))
            (property ?Option ?Type)
            (agreementExpirationDate ?Option ?Date)
            (strikePrice ?Option ?Price)
            (underlier ?Option ?Stock)
            (measure ?Stock
                (MeasureFn 100 ShareUnit)))))
FinancialOntology.kif 2540-2551

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