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Sigma KEE - MusicalInstrument
MusicalInstrument(vaadya yantra)
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appearance as argument number 1

(documentation MusicalInstrument ChineseLanguage "这是一件由 Human 控制的 Device,它的用途 是为了 MakingMusic。") chinese_format.kif 3620-3621
(documentation MusicalInstrument EnglishLanguage "A Device which is manipulated by a Human and whose purpose is MakingMusic.") Merge.kif 16036-16037
(externalImage MusicalInstrument " commons/ 2/ 24/ Octobasse.jpg") pictureList-ImageNet.kif 520-520
(externalImage MusicalInstrument " commons/ 2/ 29/ Berda,_instrument_(size).jpg") pictureList-ImageNet.kif 503-503
(externalImage MusicalInstrument " commons/ 2/ 2d/ Percusion_instrumento_Galicia.jpg") pictureList-ImageNet.kif 495-495
(externalImage MusicalInstrument " commons/ 3/ 3b/ Taoist_monk_playing_an_instrument.png") pictureList-ImageNet.kif 508-508
(externalImage MusicalInstrument " commons/ 5/ 54/ Phanduri_Georgian_traditional_instrument.jpg") pictureList-ImageNet.kif 505-505
(externalImage MusicalInstrument " commons/ 7/ 72/ ButtonAccordeon.jpg") pictureList-ImageNet.kif 529-529
(externalImage MusicalInstrument " commons/ 8/ 80/ Bianzhong.jpg") pictureList-ImageNet.kif 499-499
(externalImage MusicalInstrument " commons/ a/ a3/ Chau_gong.jpg") pictureList-ImageNet.kif 531-531
(externalImage MusicalInstrument " commons/ a/ a7/ Celo,_instrument.gif") pictureList-ImageNet.kif 493-493
(externalImage MusicalInstrument " commons/ c/ c5/ Clavecin_flamand.png") pictureList-ImageNet.kif 537-537
(externalImage MusicalInstrument " commons/ thumb/ 0/ 0e/ Harpsichord_1980.JPG/ 300px_Harpsichord_1980.JPG") pictureList-ImageNet.kif 521-521
(externalImage MusicalInstrument " commons/ thumb/ 1/ 1c/ Electronisch_orgel.jpg/ 250px_Electronisch_orgel.jpg") pictureList-ImageNet.kif 516-516
(externalImage MusicalInstrument " commons/ thumb/ 2/ 22/ Octaaf0320w.JPG/ 200px_Octaaf0320w.JPG") pictureList-ImageNet.kif 500-500
(externalImage MusicalInstrument " commons/ thumb/ 2/ 22/ YamahaKeyboard.jpg/ 180px_YamahaKeyboard.jpg") pictureList-ImageNet.kif 510-510
(externalImage MusicalInstrument " commons/ thumb/ 2/ 25/ Moonlander.jpg/ 121px_Moonlander.jpg") pictureList-ImageNet.kif 507-507
(externalImage MusicalInstrument " commons/ thumb/ 2/ 26/ Horn_(instrument).jpg/ 800px_Horn_(instrument).jpg") pictureList-ImageNet.kif 509-509
(externalImage MusicalInstrument " commons/ thumb/ 2/ 26/ TalkingDrum.jpg/ 200px_TalkingDrum.jpg") pictureList-ImageNet.kif 498-498
(externalImage MusicalInstrument " commons/ thumb/ 2/ 29/ Aaclashcymbals.jpg/ 350px_Aaclashcymbals.jpg") pictureList-ImageNet.kif 504-504
(externalImage MusicalInstrument " commons/ thumb/ 2/ 2b/ HommelMetStemsleutel.jpg/ 150px_HommelMetStemsleutel.jpg") pictureList-ImageNet.kif 518-518
(externalImage MusicalInstrument " commons/ thumb/ 3/ 36/ Melodica_red.jpg/ 300px_Melodica_red.jpg") pictureList-ImageNet.kif 523-523
(externalImage MusicalInstrument " commons/ thumb/ 6/ 63/ French_horn_front.png/ 250px_French_horn_front.png") pictureList-ImageNet.kif 511-511
(externalImage MusicalInstrument " commons/ thumb/ 6/ 65/ Mellotron.jpg/ 180px_Mellotron.jpg") pictureList-ImageNet.kif 496-496

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Display limited to 25 items. Show next 25

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass HornInstrument MusicalInstrument) Music.kif 1215-1215
(subclass PercussionInstrument MusicalInstrument) Music.kif 1220-1220
(subclass StringInstrument MusicalInstrument) Music.kif 1186-1186
(subclass WindInstrument MusicalInstrument) Music.kif 1198-1198
(termFormat ChineseLanguage MusicalInstrument "乐器") chinese_format.kif 1057-1057
(termFormat EnglishLanguage MusicalInstrument "musical instrument") english_format.kif 1325-1325
(termFormat FrenchLanguage MusicalInstrument "instrument de musique") french_format.kif 735-735
(termFormat Hindi MusicalInstrument "vaadya yantra") terms-hindi.txt 266-266
(termFormat ItalianLanguage MusicalInstrument "StrumentoMusicale") terms-it.txt 269-269
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage MusicalInstrument "楽器") japanese_format.kif 2419-2419
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage MusicalInstrument "Instrumento Musical") portuguese_format.kif 687-687
(termFormat cz MusicalInstrument "musical instrument") terms-cz.txt 305-305
(termFormat ro MusicalInstrument "instrument muzical") relations-ro.kif 756-756
(termFormat tg MusicalInstrument "kasangkapan sa musika") terms-tg.txt 270-270


    (instance ?INSTRUMENT MusicalInstrument)
    (capability MakingMusic instrument ?INSTRUMENT))
Merge.kif 16039-16041


        (musicGenre ?MR AcousticMusic)
        (record ?MR ?MM))
        (exists (?I ?ED)
                (instance ?I MusicalInstrument)
                (instrument ?MM ?I)
                (instance ?ED ElectricDevice)
                (part ?ED ?I)))))
Music.kif 559-569
    (instance ?M MakingInstrumentalMusic)
    (exists (?I)
            (instance ?I MusicalInstrument)
            (instrument ?M ?I))))
Merge.kif 13764-13769

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