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Sigma KEE - ElectricDevice

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation ElectricDevice EnglishLanguage "A Device that uses Electricity as its primary power source.") Mid-level-ontology.kif 2536-2537
(externalImage ElectricDevice " thumb/ 2/ 2c/ Ceiling_fan_with_light.png/ 180px_Ceiling_fan_with_light.png") pictureList.kif 1096-1096
(subclass ElectricDevice Device) Mid-level-ontology.kif 2535-2535

appearance as argument number 2

(disjoint UnpoweredDevice ElectricDevice) Cars.kif 4542-4542
(subclass Accelerometer ElectricDevice) ComputerInput.kif 628-628
(subclass AirConditioner ElectricDevice) Mid-level-ontology.kif 26284-26284
(subclass Battery ElectricDevice) Mid-level-ontology.kif 2571-2571
(subclass CapacitorElement ElectricDevice) engineering.kif 534-534
(subclass Charger ElectricDevice) Cars.kif 2394-2394
(subclass Computer ElectricDevice) QoSontology.kif 25-25
(subclass DevicePowerSupply ElectricDevice) ComputingBrands.kif 3559-3559
(subclass ElectricCoffeeMaker ElectricDevice) Food.kif 374-374
(subclass ElectricLightFixture ElectricDevice) Cars.kif 5137-5137
(subclass ElectricMotor ElectricDevice) Mid-level-ontology.kif 1773-1773
(subclass ElectricSpeakerDevice ElectricDevice) ComputerInput.kif 485-485
(subclass ElectricalCircuit ElectricDevice) engineering.kif 1297-1297
(subclass ElectricalComponent ElectricDevice) engineering.kif 1293-1293
(subclass ElectricalMotor ElectricDevice) engineering.kif 1109-1109
(subclass ElectrifiedRailwayCar ElectricDevice) Transportation.kif 2342-2342
(subclass Electromagnet ElectricDevice) Cars.kif 3948-3948
(subclass FabricIron ElectricDevice) Mid-level-ontology.kif 25496-25496
(subclass FaxMachine ElectricDevice) Mid-level-ontology.kif 2988-2988
(subclass FitbitDevice ElectricDevice) Medicine.kif 4447-4447
(subclass HairDryer ElectricDevice) Mid-level-ontology.kif 25701-25701
(subclass InductorElement ElectricDevice) engineering.kif 551-551
(subclass Microphone ElectricDevice) Mid-level-ontology.kif 1790-1790
(subclass Microwave ElectricDevice) Food.kif 350-350
(subclass Photocopier ElectricDevice) Mid-level-ontology.kif 26588-26588

Display limited to 25 items. Show next 25

Display limited to 25 items. Show next 25


        (instance ?DEV ElectricDevice)
        (instance ?EV Process)
        (instrument ?EV ?DEV))
    (exists (?R)
            (instance ?R Electricity)
            (resource ?EV ?R))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 2539-2547
        (instance ?DEV SpeakerDevice)
        (instance ?DEV ElectricDevice))
    (instance ?DEV ElectricSpeakerDevice))
ComputerInput.kif 490-494
        (instance ?PLUG ElectricalPlug)
        (instance ?DEVICE ElectricDevice)
        (instance ?OUTLET ElectricalOutlet)
        (connectedEngineeringComponents ?DEVICE ?PLUG)
        (completelyFills ?PLUG ?OUTLET)
        (instance ?POWER PowerSource)
        (connectedEngineeringComponents ?POWER ?OUTLET))
    (exists (?RE)
            (instance ?RE RadiatingElectromagnetic)
            (origin ?RE ?POWER)
            (destination ?RE ?DEVICE))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 26243-26256


        (instance ?DSAVE DataSaving)
        (resource ?DSAVE ?RES)
        (instance ?RES ElectronicDataStorageDevice))
    (exists (?DEV)
            (instance ?DEV ElectricDevice)
            (instrument ?DSAVE ?DEV)
                (WhenFn ?DSAVE)
                (connected ?RES ?DEV)))))
Media.kif 690-700
        (instance ?ORG Organization)
        (attribute ?ORG ElectronicsAndApplianceStores))
    (exists (?EV ?MEM)
            (member ?MEM ?ORG)
            (agent ?MEM ?EV)
            (exists (?THING)
                    (instance ?EV Selling)
                    (instance ?THING ElectricDevice)
                    (patient ?EV ?THING))))))
naics.kif 7186-7198
        (musicGenre ?MR AcousticMusic)
        (record ?MR ?MM))
        (exists (?I ?ED)
                (instance ?I MusicalInstrument)
                (instrument ?MM ?I)
                (instance ?ED ElectricDevice)
                (part ?ED ?I)))))
Music.kif 559-569
    (instance ?CTRL TemperatureControl)
    (exists (?DEVICE ?TEMP)
            (instance ?DEVICE ElectricDevice)
            (part ?CTRL ?DEVICE)
            (hasPurpose ?DEVICE
                (exists (?PROC ?AREA)
                        (instance ?AREA Region)
                        (instance ?PROC Process)
                        (instrument ?PROC ?CTRL)
                        (result ?PROC
                            (airTemperature ?AREA ?TEMP))))))))
engineering.kif 1452-1464
    (instance ?DEVICE SwitchDevice)
    (exists (?PROC1 ?PROC2 ?ELECTRIC)
            (instrument ?PROC1 ?DEVICE)
            (causes ?PROC1 ?PROC2)
            (instrument ?PROC2 ?ELECTRIC)
            (instance ?ELECTRIC ElectricDevice))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 1781-1788
    (instance ?S ElectricalSignalling)
    (exists (?D)
            (instance ?D ElectricDevice)
            (instrument ?S ?D))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 2633-2638
    (instance ?S ElectronicSignalling)
    (exists (?D)
            (instance ?D ElectricDevice)
            (instrument ?S ?D))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 2645-2650
    (musicGenre ?MR ElectronicMusic)
    (exists (?DV ?MM)
            (instance ?DV ElectricDevice)
            (record ?MR ?MM)
            (instrument ?MM ?DV))))
Music.kif 689-695

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