increasesLikelihood |
appearance as argument number 1 |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(format ChineseLanguage increasesLikelihood "%1 %n{doesn't} 增加 %2 发生的机率") | chinese_format.kif 125-125 | |
(format EnglishLanguage increasesLikelihood "%1 %n{doesn't} increase%p{s} likelihood of %2") | english_format.kif 126-126 | |
(format FrenchLanguage increasesLikelihood "%1 %n{n'} augmente %n{pas} la probabilit� de %2") | french_format.kif 84-84 | |
(format ItalianLanguage increasesLikelihood "%1 %n{non} aumenta%p{s} la verosimiglianza di %2") | relations-it.txt 141-141 | |
(format JapaneseLanguage increasesLikelihood "%1 は %2 の 可能性を increase%p{s} %n{ない}") | japanese_format.kif 1911-1911 | |
(format PortugueseLanguage increasesLikelihood "%1 %n{nao} aumenta %n a probabilidade de %2") | portuguese_format.kif 36-36 | |
(format cz increasesLikelihood "%1 %n{doesn't} increase%p{s} likelihood of %2") | relations-cz.txt 90-90 | |
(format de increasesLikelihood "%1 vergroessert die Wahrscheinlichkeit von %2 %n{nicht}") | relations-de.txt 148-148 | |
(format hi increasesLikelihood "%1 %2 kii sambhaavanaa men vriddhi %n{nahiin} karataa hai") | relations-hindi.txt 180-180 | |
(format ro increasesLikelihood "%1 %n{nu} increase%t{sporeºte} probabilitatea lui %2") | relations-ro.kif 103-103 | |
(format sv increasesLikelihood "%1 ökar %n{inte} sannolikheten för %2") | relations-sv.txt 83-83 | |
(format tg increasesLikelihood "%1 %n ay nagdagdag ang kalamangang mangyari ng %2") | relations-tg.txt 286-286 | |
(termFormat ChineseLanguage increasesLikelihood "增加可能性") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 29574-29574 | |
(termFormat ChineseLanguage increasesLikelihood "提高可能性") | chinese_format.kif 126-126 | |
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage increasesLikelihood "增加可能性") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 29573-29573 | |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage increasesLikelihood "increases likelihood") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 29572-29572 | |
(termFormat de increasesLikelihood "vergroessertWahrscheinlichkeit") | terms-de.txt 44-44 | |
(termFormat tg increasesLikelihood "nagdagdag ang kalamangang mangyari") | relations-tg.txt 287-287 |
antecedent |
(=> (and (increasesLikelihood ?FORMULA1 ?FORMULA2) (equal (ProbabilityFn ?FORMULA2) ?NUMBER1) (conditionalProbability ?FORMULA1 ?FORMULA2 ?NUMBER2)) (greaterThan ?NUMBER2 ?NUMBER1)) |
Merge.kif 2606-2611 |
consequent |
(=> (and (instance ?FORMULA1 Formula) (instance ?FORMULA2 Formula)) (or (increasesLikelihood ?FORMULA1 ?FORMULA2) (decreasesLikelihood ?FORMULA1 ?FORMULA2) (independentProbability ?FORMULA1 ?FORMULA2))) |
Merge.kif 2647-2654 | |
(=> (and (instance ?X CarAlarm) (instance ?CAR SelfPoweredRoadVehicle) (part ?X ?CAR)) (exists (?HARM ?THIEF ?T ?L) (hasPurpose ?X (=> (and (or (instance ?HARM Stealing) (instance ?HARM Damaging)) (instance ?THIEF Human) (agent ?HARM ?THIEF) (patient ?HARM ?CAR) (equal (WhenFn ?HARM) ?T) (eventPartlyLocated ?HARM ?L)) (exists (?ALARM) (and (instance ?ALARM RadiatingSound) (agent ?ALARM ?X) (causes ?HARM ?ALARM) (hasPurpose ?ALARM (increasesLikelihood (exists (?WITNESS) (and (instance ?WITNESS Human) (holdsDuring ?T (orientation ?WITNESS ?L Near)))) (or (knows ?WITNESS (exists (?H) (and (or (instance ?H Stealing) (instance ?H Damaging)) (eventPartlyLocated ?H ?L) (holdsDuring ?T (patient ?H ?CAR))))) (finishes (WhenFn ?ALARM) (WhenFn ?HARM))))))))))) |
Cars.kif 3771-3812 | |
(=> (diseaseMedicine ?DISEASE ?SUBSTANCE ?PROCESS) (exists (?ORGANISM ?TIME ?SAMPLE ?PROC) (and (holdsDuring ?TIME (attribute ?ORGANISM ?DISEASE)) (increasesLikelihood (and (instance ?PROC ?PROCESS) (temporalPart (WhenFn ?PROC) ?TIME) (experiencer ?PROC ?ORGANISM) (patient ?PROC ?SAMPLE) (instance ?SAMPLE ?SUBSTANCE)) (holdsDuring (ImmediateFutureFn ?TIME) (not (attribute ?ORGANISM ?DISEASE))))))) |
WMD.kif 941-955 | |
(=> (diseaseSymptom ?DISEASE ?SYMPTOM) (exists (?ORGANISM) (increasesLikelihood (attribute ?ORGANISM ?DISEASE) (attribute ?ORGANISM ?SYMPTOM)))) |
WMD.kif 877-882 | |
(=> (instance ?SV SafetyVest) (hasPurpose ?SV (exists (?PERSON ?SPECTATOR) (and (instance ?PERSON Animal) (instance ?SPECTATOR Human) (increasesLikelihood (wears ?PERSON ?SV) (exists (?SEE) (and (instance ?SEE Seeing) (patient ?SEE ?PERSON) (experiencer ?SEE ?SPECTATOR)))) (decreasesLikelihood (exists (?SEE) (and (instance ?SEE Seeing) (patient ?SEE ?PERSON) (experiencer ?SEE ?SPECTATOR))) (exists (?INJ) (and (instance ?INJ Injuring) (agent ?INJ ?SPECTATOR) (patient ?INJ ?PERSON)))))))) |
Cars.kif 3619-3643 | |
(=> (pathologicSymptom ?D ?S) (exists (?O) (increasesLikelihood (attribute ?O ?D) (exists (?I) (and (instance ?I ?S) (experiencer ?I ?O)))))) |
Merge.kif 10460-10468 |
appearance as argument number 0 |
(increasesLikelihood (and (biochemicalAgentSyndrome ?AGENT ?SYMPTOM) (biochemicalAgentDelivery ?AGENT ?PROCESSTYPE) (instance ?PROCESS ?PROCESSTYPE) (experiencer ?PROCESS ?ORGANISM)) (attribute ?ORGANISM ?SYMPTOM)) |
WMD.kif 767-773 |