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Sigma KEE - UnaryConstantFunctionQuantity

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation UnaryConstantFunctionQuantity ChineseLanguage "这是 FunctionQuantity 的一个 subclass,它的实例由 UnaryFunctionConstantQuantity Class 的一个实例联系到 ConstantQuantity Class 的另一个 实例所产生。") chinese_format.kif 1797-1799
(documentation UnaryConstantFunctionQuantity EnglishLanguage "A subclass of FunctionQuantity, instances of which are returned by UnaryFunctions that map from one instance of the Class ConstantQuantity to another instance of the Class ConstantQuantity.") Merge.kif 2114-2118
(documentation UnaryConstantFunctionQuantity JapaneseLanguage "FunctionQuantitysubclass のインスタンスは、Class ConstantQuantity の 1 つのインスタンスから Class ConstantQuantity の別のインスタンスにマップする UnaryFunctions によって返される。") japanese_format.kif 412-414
(subclass UnaryConstantFunctionQuantity FunctionQuantity) Merge.kif 2112-2112

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass TimeDependentQuantity UnaryConstantFunctionQuantity) Merge.kif 2120-2120
(termFormat ChineseLanguage UnaryConstantFunctionQuantity "一元常数函数量") chinese_format.kif 883-883
(termFormat EnglishLanguage UnaryConstantFunctionQuantity "unary constant function quantity") english_format.kif 968-968
(termFormat FrenchLanguage UnaryConstantFunctionQuantity "fonction de quantit� unaire") french_format.kif 559-559
(termFormat Hindi UnaryConstantFunctionQuantity "ekaadhaarita sthira prakaarya parimaaNa") terms-hindi.txt 89-89
(termFormat ItalianLanguage UnaryConstantFunctionQuantity "FunzioneDiQuantit�UnariaECostante") terms-it.txt 92-92
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage UnaryConstantFunctionQuantity "単項定数関数量") japanese_format.kif 2244-2244
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage UnaryConstantFunctionQuantity "Funcao de Quantidade Unaria") portuguese_format.kif 511-511
(termFormat cz UnaryConstantFunctionQuantity "unary constant functionquantity") terms-cz.txt 126-126
(termFormat ro UnaryConstantFunctionQuantity "funcþie de cantitate unarã constantã") relations-ro.kif 580-580
(termFormat tg UnaryConstantFunctionQuantity "isang maramihang dami na tungkulin") terms-tg.txt 93-93

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