UnaryConstantFunctionQuantity |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation UnaryConstantFunctionQuantity ChineseLanguage "这是 FunctionQuantity 的一个 subclass,它的实例由 UnaryFunction 把 ConstantQuantity Class 的一个实例联系到 ConstantQuantity Class 的另一个 实例所产生。") | chinese_format.kif 1797-1799 | |
(documentation UnaryConstantFunctionQuantity EnglishLanguage "A subclass of FunctionQuantity, instances of which are returned by UnaryFunctions that map from one instance of the Class ConstantQuantity to another instance of the Class ConstantQuantity.") | Merge.kif 2114-2118 | |
(documentation UnaryConstantFunctionQuantity JapaneseLanguage "FunctionQuantity の subclass のインスタンスは、Class ConstantQuantity の 1 つのインスタンスから Class ConstantQuantity の別のインスタンスにマップする UnaryFunctions によって返される。") | japanese_format.kif 412-414 | |
(subclass UnaryConstantFunctionQuantity FunctionQuantity) | Merge.kif 2112-2112 |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(subclass TimeDependentQuantity UnaryConstantFunctionQuantity) | Merge.kif 2120-2120 | |
(termFormat ChineseLanguage UnaryConstantFunctionQuantity "一元常数函数量") | chinese_format.kif 883-883 | |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage UnaryConstantFunctionQuantity "unary constant function quantity") | english_format.kif 968-968 | |
(termFormat FrenchLanguage UnaryConstantFunctionQuantity "fonction de quantit� unaire") | french_format.kif 559-559 | |
(termFormat Hindi UnaryConstantFunctionQuantity "ekaadhaarita sthira prakaarya parimaaNa") | terms-hindi.txt 89-89 | |
(termFormat ItalianLanguage UnaryConstantFunctionQuantity "FunzioneDiQuantit�UnariaECostante") | terms-it.txt 92-92 | |
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage UnaryConstantFunctionQuantity "単項定数関数量") | japanese_format.kif 2244-2244 | |
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage UnaryConstantFunctionQuantity "Funcao de Quantidade Unaria") | portuguese_format.kif 511-511 | |
(termFormat cz UnaryConstantFunctionQuantity "unary constant functionquantity") | terms-cz.txt 126-126 | |
(termFormat ro UnaryConstantFunctionQuantity "funcþie de cantitate unarã constantã") | relations-ro.kif 580-580 | |
(termFormat tg UnaryConstantFunctionQuantity "isang maramihang dami na tungkulin") | terms-tg.txt 93-93 |