Tennis |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation Tennis EnglishLanguage "Tennis is a Sport played with rackets by two or four players who hit a ball back and forth over a net that divides the court") | Sports.kif 853-854 | |
(subclass Tennis Sport) | Sports.kif 852-852 |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Tennis "tennis") | Sports.kif 855-855 |
antecedent |
(=> (instance ?X Tennis) (exists (?T1 ?T2) (and (contestParticipant ?X ?T1) (contestParticipant ?X ?T2) (not (equal ?T1 ?T2)) (or (instance ?T1 Human) (and (instance ?T1 GroupOfPeople) (memberCount ?T1 2))) (or (instance ?T2 Human) (and (instance ?T2 GroupOfPeople) (memberCount ?T2 2)))))) |
Sports.kif 857-873 |
consequent |
(=> (and (employs ?HOTEL ?ATHLETE) (attribute ?HOTEL TravelerAccommodation) (attribute ?ATHLETE TennisProfessional) (guest ?CUST ?HOTEL)) (modalAttribute (exists (?TENNIS ?LOC) (and (instance ?TENNIS Tennis) (contestParticipant ?TENNIS ?ATHLETE) (contestParticipant ?TENNIS ?CUST) (located ?TENNIS ?LOC) (located ?HOTEL ?LOC))) Possibility)) |
Hotel.kif 1522-1535 | |
(=> (attribute ?ATHLETE TennisProfessional) (hasSkill Tennis ?ATHLETE)) |
Sports.kif 1378-1380 | |
(=> (instance ?COURT TennisCourt) (hasPurpose ?COURT (exists (?TENNIS) (and (instance ?TENNIS Tennis) (eventLocated ?TENNIS ?COURT))))) |
Sports.kif 880-886 |