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Sigma KEE - PartyPlatform

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation PartyPlatform EnglishLanguage "A Text which is authored by a PoliticalParty and which contains the core goals and principles of the PoliticalParty for a particular year or election cycle.") Government.kif 2282-2284
(subclass PartyPlatform FactualText) Government.kif 2281-2281

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage PartyPlatform "党的平台") domainEnglishFormat.kif 44641-44641
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage PartyPlatform "黨的平台") domainEnglishFormat.kif 44640-44640
(termFormat EnglishLanguage PartyPlatform "party platform") domainEnglishFormat.kif 44639-44639


        (subclass ?PLATFORM PartyPlatform)
        (authors ?PARTY ?PLATFORM)
        (instance ?PARTY Organization))
    (instance ?PARTY PoliticalParty))
Government.kif 2286-2291
        (subclass ?PLATFORM PartyPlatform)
        (authors ?PARTY ?PLATFORM)
        (instance ?PARTY PoliticalParty)
        (instance ?INST ?PLATFORM)
        (containsFormula ?INST ?P))
    (believes ?PARTY ?P))
Government.kif 2293-2300

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