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Sigma KEE - OneToOneFunction

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation OneToOneFunction ChineseLanguage "这是个一对一的 UnaryFunction Class,对于 所有在定义域F的X和Y,函数F是一对一的,这是以防X不同于Y,那么F(X)就和F(Y)不相同。 ") chinese_format.kif 1995-1996
(documentation OneToOneFunction EnglishLanguage "The Class of UnaryFunctions which are one to one. A function F is one to one just in case for all X, Y in the domain of F, if X is not identical to Y, then F(X) is not identical to F(Y).") Merge.kif 3372-3374
(documentation OneToOneFunction JapaneseLanguage "UnaryFunctions は1対1である。関数 F は、 F のドメイン内のすべての X の場合に備えて 1 対 1 で、X が Y と同一でない場合、F(X) は F(Y) と 同一ではない。") japanese_format.kif 630-632
(subclass OneToOneFunction UnaryFunction) Merge.kif 3370-3370

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage OneToOneFunction "%1 的 one 对一 功能") domainEnglishFormat.kif 1835-1835
(format ChineseTraditionalLanguage OneToOneFunction "%1 的 one 對一 功能") domainEnglishFormat.kif 1834-1834
(format EnglishLanguage OneToOneFunction "the one to one function of %1") domainEnglishFormat.kif 1833-1833
(subclass SequenceFunction OneToOneFunction) Merge.kif 3388-3388
(termFormat ChineseLanguage OneToOneFunction "单射函数") chinese_format.kif 918-918
(termFormat EnglishLanguage OneToOneFunction "one to one function") english_format.kif 1043-1043
(termFormat FrenchLanguage OneToOneFunction "function un � un") french_format.kif 594-594
(termFormat Hindi OneToOneFunction "pQthak-pQthak prakaarya") terms-hindi.txt 124-124
(termFormat ItalianLanguage OneToOneFunction "FunzioneUnoAUno") terms-it.txt 127-127
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage OneToOneFunction "1対1関数") japanese_format.kif 2279-2279
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage OneToOneFunction "Funcao Injetiva") portuguese_format.kif 546-546
(termFormat cb OneToOneFunction "usa sa usang kalihukan") terms-cb.txt 129-129
(termFormat cz OneToOneFunction "one to one function") terms-cz.txt 161-161
(termFormat ro OneToOneFunction "funcþie injectivã") relations-ro.kif 615-615
(termFormat tg OneToOneFunction "paisa-isang tungkulin") terms-tg.txt 128-128


    (instance ?FUN OneToOneFunction)
    (forall (?ARG1 ?ARG2)
            (exists (?CLASS)
                    (domain ?FUN 1 ?CLASS)
                    (instance ?ARG1 ?CLASS)
                    (instance ?ARG2 ?CLASS)
                        (equal ?ARG1 ?ARG2))))
                    (AssignmentFn ?FUN ?ARG1)
                    (AssignmentFn ?FUN ?ARG2))))))
Merge.kif 3376-3386

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