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Sigma KEE - NonFloweringPlant

appearance as argument number 1

(disjoint NonFloweringPlant FloweringPlant) Merge.kif 14464-14464
(disjointDecomposition NonFloweringPlant Alga Fern Moss) Merge.kif 14465-14465
(documentation NonFloweringPlant ChineseLanguage "这是一种通过孢子来繁殖,而不能开花的 Plant。") chinese_format.kif 3383-3383
(documentation NonFloweringPlant EnglishLanguage "A Plant that reproduces with spores and does not produce flowers.") Merge.kif 14466-14467
(subclass NonFloweringPlant Plant) Merge.kif 14463-14463

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass Alga NonFloweringPlant) Merge.kif 14469-14469
(subclass Fern NonFloweringPlant) Merge.kif 14496-14496
(subclass Lichen NonFloweringPlant) Geography.kif 6297-6297
(subclass Moss NonFloweringPlant) Merge.kif 14492-14492
(termFormat ChineseLanguage NonFloweringPlant "无花植物") chinese_format.kif 967-967
(termFormat EnglishLanguage NonFloweringPlant "non flowering plant") english_format.kif 1141-1141
(termFormat FrenchLanguage NonFloweringPlant "plante non florissante") french_format.kif 644-644
(termFormat Hindi NonFloweringPlant "apushpI vanaspati") terms-hindi.txt 175-175
(termFormat ItalianLanguage NonFloweringPlant "PiantaNonDaFiore") terms-it.txt 178-178
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage NonFloweringPlant "隠花植物") japanese_format.kif 2328-2328
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage NonFloweringPlant "Planta sem flores") portuguese_format.kif 596-596
(termFormat cz NonFloweringPlant "non flowering plant") terms-cz.txt 212-212
(termFormat ro NonFloweringPlant "plantã fãrã flori") relations-ro.kif 665-665
(termFormat tg NonFloweringPlant "Halamang di-namumulaklak") terms-tg.txt 179-179


    (instance ?SPORE Spore)
    (exists (?PLANT ?TIME)
            (instance ?PLANT NonFloweringPlant)
            (holdsDuring ?TIME
                (part ?SPORE ?PLANT)))))
Merge.kif 15120-15125

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