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Sigma KEE - NigerianPidginLanguage

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(documentation NigerianPidginLanguage EnglishLanguage "The NigerianPidginLanguage is a KrioGroupLanguage of Nigeria. SIL code: PCM. ISO 639-2: cpe. Population: No estimate available. Region: Southern states and in Sabon Garis of the northern states, coastal and urban areas. Alternate names: NIGERIAN CREOLE ENGLISH, NIGERIAN PIDGIN ENGLISH. Dialects: LAGOS PIDGIN, DELTA PIDGIN, CROSS RIVER PIDGIN, BENIN PIDGIN. Comments: No unified standard. The dialects listed may be very different from each other. Partially intelligible with Krio of Sierra Leone and Cameroon Pidgin. Used in novels, plays, advertising. Increasing in importance and use. It is a creole with native speakers, as well as used as a pidgin between Africans and Europeans, and Africans from different languages. Trade language. Grammar. No unified orthography. Poetry, radio programs, TV. Bible portions 1957.(extract from http:/ / )") Languages.kif 1822-1833
(instance NigerianPidginLanguage KrioGroupLanguage) Languages.kif 1821-1821

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage NigerianPidginLanguage "尼日利亚的洋泾浜语") domainEnglishFormat.kif 40572-40572
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage NigerianPidginLanguage "尼日利亞的洋涇浜語") domainEnglishFormat.kif 40571-40571
(termFormat EnglishLanguage NigerianPidginLanguage "nigerian pidgin language") domainEnglishFormat.kif 40570-40570

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