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Sigma KEE - LymeDisease

appearance as argument number 1

(diseaseMedicine LymeDisease Clarithromycin Ingesting) Medicine.kif 3585-3585
(diseaseSymptom LymeDisease SkinRash) Medicine.kif 1413-1413
(documentation LymeDisease EnglishLanguage "Lyme disease, also known as Lyme borreliosis, is a vector-borne disease caused by the Borrelia bacterium which is spread by Ticks in the genus Ixodes. The most common sign of infection is an expanding red rash, known as erythema migrans, that appears at the site of the tick bite about a week after it occurred. The rash is typically neither itchy nor painful. Approximately 70–80% of infected people develop a SkinRash. Other early symptoms may include Fever, Headache and tiredness. If untreated, symptoms may include loss of the ability to move one or both sides of the Face, joint pains, severe Headaches with Neck stiffness, or Heart palpitations, among others. Months to years later, repeated episodes of joint Pain and swelling may occur. Occasionally, people develop shooting pains or tingling in their Arms and Legs. Despite appropriate treatment, about 10 to 20% of people develop joint pains, memory problems, and tiredness for at least six months.[from Wikipedia]") Medicine.kif 1394-1409
(instance LymeDisease BacterialDisease) Medicine.kif 1392-1392

appearance as argument number 2

(biochemicalAgentSyndrome Borrelia LymeDisease) Medicine.kif 1410-1410
(termFormat EnglishLanguage LymeDisease "Lyme disease") Medicine.kif 1411-1411

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