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Sigma KEE - Lending

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Lending ChineseLanguage "这是 Giving Processsubclass,这是在当 agent 在一段有限的时间内给 destination 一些东西,并预期东西稍后会被归还(也许会加上利息)。") chinese_format.kif 3082-3083
(documentation Lending EnglishLanguage "The subclass of Giving Processes where the agent gives the destination something for a limited period of time with the expectation that it will be returned later (perhaps with interest).") Merge.kif 11786-11789
(documentation Lending JapaneseLanguage "agent が後で返されることを期待して、限られた期間 (おそらく興味を持って) destination に何かを与える Giving Processsubclass 。") japanese_format.kif 1852-1853
(externalImage Lending " 0c/ General_government_net_lending_of_Hungary_2005-2010.png") pictureList.kif 7184-7184
(externalImage Lending " 4f/ Credit-cards.jpg") pictureList.kif 7186-7186
(externalImage Lending " 8d/ President_Franklin_D._Roosevelt-1941.jpg") pictureList.kif 7185-7185
(externalImage Lending "") pictureList.kif 6667-6667
(subclass Lending Giving) Merge.kif 11784-11784

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage Lending "借出") chinese_format.kif 1135-1135
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Lending "lending") english_format.kif 1487-1487
(termFormat FrenchLanguage Lending "pr�ter") french_format.kif 813-813
(termFormat Hindi Lending "aapurti") terms-hindi.txt 345-345
(termFormat ItalianLanguage Lending "DareInPrestito") terms-it.txt 348-348
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage Lending "貸し") japanese_format.kif 2497-2497
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage Lending "Emprestar") portuguese_format.kif 765-765
(termFormat cb Lending "pagpahulam") terms-cb.txt 350-350
(termFormat cz Lending "lending") terms-cz.txt 384-384
(termFormat ro Lending "a da împrumut") relations-ro.kif 834-834
(termFormat tg Lending "pagpapahiram") terms-tg.txt 349-349


        (instance ?LEND Lending)
        (agent ?LEND ?AGENT2)
        (destination ?LEND ?AGENT1)
        (patient ?LEND ?OBJECT))
    (exists (?BORROW)
            (instance ?BORROW Borrowing)
            (agent ?BORROW ?AGENT1)
            (origin ?BORROW ?AGENT2)
            (patient ?BORROW ?OBJECT))))
Merge.kif 11804-11815


        (instance ?BORROW Borrowing)
        (agent ?BORROW ?AGENT1)
        (origin ?BORROW ?AGENT2)
        (patient ?BORROW ?OBJECT))
    (exists (?LEND)
            (instance ?LEND Lending)
            (agent ?LEND ?AGENT2)
            (destination ?LEND ?AGENT1)
            (patient ?LEND ?OBJECT))))
Merge.kif 11791-11802
    (lender ?Loan ?Agent)
    (exists (?Lending)
            (instance ?Lending Lending)
            (agent ?Lending ?Agent))))
FinancialOntology.kif 1291-1296

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