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Sigma KEE - Left

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Left ChineseLanguage "这是一个由左/右模式所衍生的 PositionalAttribute。注:这是 指直接在左边,也就是说如果一个物体在另外一个物体的左边的话,那么这两个物体的投影就会交叠。") chinese_format.kif 3824-3825
(documentation Left EnglishLanguage "This PositionalAttribute is derived from the left/ right schema. Note that this means directly to the left, so that, if one object is to the left of another, then the projections of the two objects overlap.") Merge.kif 17182-17185
(externalImage Left "") pictureList.kif 10093-10093
(instance Left AntiSymmetricPositionalAttribute) Merge.kif 17181-17181
(instance Left PositionalAttribute) Merge.kif 17180-17180

appearance as argument number 2

(contraryAttribute Right Left) Merge.kif 17189-17189
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Left "左") domainEnglishFormat.kif 33790-33790
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage Left "左") domainEnglishFormat.kif 33789-33789
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Left "left") domainEnglishFormat.kif 33788-33788
(termFormat tg Left "kaliwa") terms-tg.txt 536-536


        (orientation ?X ?Y Right)
        (orientation ?Z ?Y Left))
    (orientation ?X ?Z Right))
Merge.kif 17002-17006


    (orientation ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2 Right)
    (orientation ?OBJ2 ?OBJ1 Left))
Merge.kif 17195-17197
        (instance ?MID MiddleCIButton)
        (component ?MID ?DEV)
        (instance ?DEV ComputerInputDevice))
    (exists (?LEFT ?RIGHT)
            (instance ?RIGHT RightCIButton)
            (instance ?LEFT LeftCIButton)
            (component ?RIGHT ?DEV)
            (component ?LEFT ?DEV)
            (between ?LEFT ?MID ?RIGHT)
            (orientation ?MID ?LEFT Left)
            (orientation ?MID ?RIGHT Right))))
ComputerInput.kif 224-237
        (instance ?RIGHT PhysicalRightCIButton)
        (component ?RIGHT ?DEV)
        (instance ?DEV ComputerInputDevice))
    (exists (?LEFT)
            (instance ?LEFT PhysicalLeftCIButton)
            (component ?LEFT ?DEV)
            (orientation ?RIGHT ?LEFT Left))))
ComputerInput.kif 204-213


(subclass LeftArm
    (BodySideFn Left Arm))
Medicine.kif 2858-2858
(subclass LeftEar
    (BodySideFn Left Ear))
Medicine.kif 2876-2876
(subclass LeftElbow
    (BodySideFn Left Elbow))
Medicine.kif 2864-2864
(subclass LeftEye
    (BodySideFn Left Eye))
Medicine.kif 2882-2882
(subclass LeftFoot
    (BodySideFn Left Foot))
Medicine.kif 2924-2924
(subclass LeftHand
    (BodySideFn Left Hand))
Medicine.kif 2888-2888
(subclass LeftHip
    (BodySideFn Left Hip))
Medicine.kif 2918-2918
(subclass LeftKidney
    (BodySideFn Left Kidney))
Medicine.kif 2900-2900
(subclass LeftKnee
    (BodySideFn Left Knee))
Medicine.kif 2912-2912
(subclass LeftLeg
    (BodySideFn Left Leg))
Medicine.kif 2906-2906
(subclass LeftLung
    (BodySideFn Left Lung))
Medicine.kif 2894-2894
(subclass LeftShoulder
    (BodySideFn Left Shoulder))
Medicine.kif 2870-2870
(subclass LeftThigh
        (BodySideFn Left ThighMuscle)))
Medicine.kif 2930-2930

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