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Sigma KEE - InlandWaterSystem

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation InlandWaterSystem EnglishLanguage "An instance of InlandWaterSystem comprises two or more lakes or rivers, canals, or other waterways that are interconnected.") Geography.kif 5344-5346
(externalImage InlandWaterSystem " commons/ 8/ 8e/ Great_Lakes_1.PNG") pictureList.kif 1485-1485
(subclass InlandWaterSystem Collection) Geography.kif 5342-5342
(subclass InlandWaterSystem WaterArea) Geography.kif 5341-5341

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage InlandWaterSystem "内陆水系统") domainEnglishFormat.kif 30198-30198
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage InlandWaterSystem "內陸水系統") domainEnglishFormat.kif 30197-30197
(termFormat EnglishLanguage InlandWaterSystem "inland water system") domainEnglishFormat.kif 30196-30196


        (instance ?SYSTEM InlandWaterSystem)
        (instance ?WATER1 WaterArea)
        (instance ?WATER2 WaterArea)
            (equal ?WATER1 ?WATER2))
            (connected ?WATER1 ?WATER2))
        (geographicSubregion ?WATER1 ?SYSTEM)
        (geographicSubregion ?WATER2 ?SYSTEM))
    (exists (?WATER3)
            (instance ?WATER3 WaterArea)
                (equal ?WATER3 ?WATER1))
                (equal ?WATER3 ?WATER1))
            (part ?WATER3 ?SYSTEM)
            (connects ?WATER3 ?WATER1 ?WATER2))))
Geography.kif 5380-5395
    (instance ?SYSTEM InlandWaterSystem)
    (exists (?BODY1 ?BODY2)
            (instance ?BODY1 BodyOfWater)
            (instance ?BODY2 BodyOfWater)
                (equal ?BODY1 ?BODY2))
            (geographicSubregion ?BODY1 ?SYSTEM)
            (geographicSubregion ?BODY2 ?SYSTEM))))
Geography.kif 5348-5356

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