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Sigma KEE - Gear

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Gear EnglishLanguage "a toothed wheel that engages another toothed mechanism in order to change the speed or direction of transmitted motion.") engineering.kif 755-756
(subclass Gear EngineeringComponent) engineering.kif 757-757
(typicalPart Gear GearTrain) engineering.kif 889-889

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass BevelGear Gear) Cars.kif 1417-1417
(subclass ExternalGear Gear) engineering.kif 768-768
(subclass InternalGear Gear) engineering.kif 788-788
(subclass SpurGear Gear) engineering.kif 759-759
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Gear "齿轮") domainEnglishFormat.kif 25639-25639
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage Gear "齒輪") domainEnglishFormat.kif 25638-25638
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Gear "gear") domainEnglishFormat.kif 25637-25637
(typicalPart GearTooth Gear) engineering.kif 818-818

appearance as argument number 3

(domain gearRatio 1 Gear) engineering.kif 862-862
(domain gearRatio 2 Gear) engineering.kif 863-863
(domain gearToothCount 1 Gear) engineering.kif 837-837


        (instance ?C Clutch)
        (instance ?A Automobile)
        (instance ?E Engine)
        (instance ?G Gearbox)
        (instance ?GEAR Gear)
        (part ?GEAR ?G)
        (part ?G ?A)
        (part ?C ?A)
        (part ?E ?A)
        (instance ?M Motion)
        (patient ?M ?E)
        (attribute ?C DeviceOff))
    (exists (?M2)
            (instance ?M2 Motion)
            (patient ?M2 ?G)
            (causes ?M ?M2))))
Cars.kif 1821-1839
        (instance ?C Clutch)
        (instance ?A Automobile)
        (instance ?E Engine)
        (instance ?G Gearbox)
        (instance ?GEAR Gear)
        (part ?GEAR ?G)
        (part ?G ?A)
        (part ?C ?A)
        (part ?E ?A)
        (instance ?M Motion)
        (patient ?M ?E)
        (attribute ?C DeviceOn))
        (exists (?M2)
                (instance ?M2 Motion)
                (patient ?M2 ?G)
                (causes ?M ?M2)))))
Cars.kif 1800-1819
        (instance ?G Gear)
        (part ?T ?G)
        (instance ?T GearTooth)
        (gearToothCount ?G ?I))
    (exists (?C)
            (instance ?C Collection)
            (member ?T ?C)
            (memberCount ?C ?I))))
engineering.kif 840-850
        (instance ?G Gear)
        (superficialPart ?SG ?G)
        (instance ?T GearTooth)
        (part ?T ?G)
        (surface ?ST ?T))
    (part ?ST ?SG))
engineering.kif 823-830


    (instance ?D Differential)
    (exists (?G1 ?G2)
            (instance ?G1 Gear)
            (instance ?G2 Gear)
            (part ?G1 ?D)
            (part ?G2 ?D)
            (orientation ?G1 ?G2 RightAngle))))
Cars.kif 2240-2248

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