FoodPickup |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation FoodPickup EnglishLanguage "FoodPickup is a type of CateringService where the customer has to pick up the food from the agent's location with the intent of eating it somewhere else.") | Dining.kif 605-607 | |
(subclass FoodPickup CateringService) | Dining.kif 604-604 |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(subclass DriveThru FoodPickup) | Dining.kif 629-629 | |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage FoodPickup "food pickup") | Dining.kif 608-608 |
antecedent |
(=> (and (instance ?P FoodPickup) (agent ?P ?AGENT) (destination ?P ?CUST) (patient ?P ?FOOD)) (and (instance ?FOOD (FoodForFn Human)) (exists (?LOC ?T ?G) (and (located ?AGENT ?LOC) (instance ?T Translocation) (agent ?T ?CUST) (destination ?T ?LOC) (instance ?G Getting) (origin ?G ?AGENT) (destination ?G ?CUST) (patient ?G ?FOOD))))) |
Dining.kif 610-627 |