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Sigma KEE - EmergencyRoadVehicle

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation EmergencyRoadVehicle EnglishLanguage "EmergencyRoadVehicle is the subclass of EmergencyVehicle that includes RoadVehicles designed for special use in emergencies, e.g., Ambulances, FireEngines.") Transportation.kif 2034-2036
(externalImage EmergencyRoadVehicle " commons/ thumb/ 3/ 3f/ Closeup_of_ambulance_in_file_named_Sjd-ambulance.jpg/ 180px-Closeup_of_ambulance_in_file_named_Sjd-ambulance.jpg") pictureList.kif 1099-1099
(subclass EmergencyRoadVehicle EmergencyVehicle) Transportation.kif 2031-2031
(subclass EmergencyRoadVehicle PoweredVehicle) Transportation.kif 2033-2033
(subclass EmergencyRoadVehicle RoadVehicle) Transportation.kif 2032-2032

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass Ambulance EmergencyRoadVehicle) Transportation.kif 2043-2043
(subclass FireEngine EmergencyRoadVehicle) Transportation.kif 2038-2038
(termFormat ChineseLanguage EmergencyRoadVehicle "紧急公路车辆") domainEnglishFormat.kif 21923-21923
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage EmergencyRoadVehicle "緊急公路車輛") domainEnglishFormat.kif 21922-21922
(termFormat EnglishLanguage EmergencyRoadVehicle "emergency road vehicle") domainEnglishFormat.kif 21921-21921

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