CrystallineStructure |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation CrystallineStructure ChineseLanguage "CrystallineStructure 是 StructureAttribute 的 Subclass,它属于Crystal Solid 的结构。") | Geography.kif 7121-7122 | |
(documentation CrystallineStructure EnglishLanguage "CrystallineStructure is a subclass of StructureAttribute which belongs to a Crystal Solid.") | Geography.kif 7118-7119 | |
(subclass CrystallineStructure StructureAttribute) | Geography.kif 7128-7128 |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(subclass MonoCrystalline CrystallineStructure) | Geography.kif 7130-7130 | |
(subclass PolyCrystalline CrystallineStructure) | Geography.kif 7136-7136 | |
(termFormat ChineseLanguage CrystallineStructure "晶体结构") | Geography.kif 7126-7126 | |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage CrystallineStructure "crystalline structure") | Geography.kif 7124-7124 |