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Sigma KEE - AutomobileExhaustSystem

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation AutomobileExhaustSystem EnglishLanguage "A part of an Automobile that handles the venting of Exhaust from the Engine. It typically includes an exhaust manifold, AutomobileMuffler and Tailpipe. Modern engines may also include a CatalyticConverter and exhaust recirculation hoses and controls.") Cars.kif 2590-2594
(subclass AutomobileExhaustSystem PhysicalSystem) Cars.kif 2588-2588

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat EnglishLanguage AutomobileExhaustSystem "exhaust system") Cars.kif 2589-2589
(typicalPart CatalyticConverter AutomobileExhaustSystem) Cars.kif 1720-1720
(typicalPart ExhaustManifold AutomobileExhaustSystem) Cars.kif 2609-2609
(typicalPart Tailpipe AutomobileExhaustSystem) Cars.kif 4091-4091
(typicallyContainsPart CatalyticConverter AutomobileExhaustSystem) Cars.kif 1721-1721
(typicallyContainsPart ExhaustManifold AutomobileExhaustSystem) Cars.kif 2610-2610
(typicallyContainsPart Tailpipe AutomobileExhaustSystem) Cars.kif 4092-4092


        (instance ?T Tailpipe)
        (instance ?TR Transfer)
        (instance ?E Exhaust)
        (instance ?A Automobile)
        (instance ?AES AutomobileExhaustSystem)
        (part ?T ?A)
        (path ?TR ?T)
        (patient ?TR ?E))
    (hasPurpose ?T
            (exists (?O)
                    (part ?O ?A)
                    (beforeOnPath ?T ?O ?AES ?TR))))))
Cars.kif 4106-4121

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