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Sigma KEE - AtomicNucleus

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation AtomicNucleus ChineseLanguage "Atom 的核心, 由 ProtonNeutron 组成。") chinese_format.kif 1611-1612
(documentation AtomicNucleus EnglishLanguage "The core of the Atom. It is composed of Protons and Neutrons.") Merge.kif 1146-1147
(documentation AtomicNucleus JapaneseLanguage "Atom のコア。 ProtonNeutron で構成されている。") japanese_format.kif 189-190
(documentation AtomicNucleus SpanishLanguage "El núcleo del Atom. Se compone de Protons y Neutrons.") spanish_format.kif 225-226
(subclass AtomicNucleus SubatomicParticle) Merge.kif 1145-1145

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage AtomicNucleus "原子核") chinese_format.kif 823-823
(termFormat EnglishLanguage AtomicNucleus "atomic nucleus") english_format.kif 848-848
(termFormat FrenchLanguage AtomicNucleus "noyau atomique") french_format.kif 499-499
(termFormat Hindi AtomicNucleus "aaNavika kendra") terms-hindi.txt 32-32
(termFormat ItalianLanguage AtomicNucleus "NucleoAtomico") terms-it.txt 35-35
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage AtomicNucleus "原子核") japanese_format.kif 2184-2184
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage AtomicNucleus "Nucleo Atomico") portuguese_format.kif 451-451
(termFormat cz AtomicNucleus "atomov� j�dro") terms-cz.txt 66-66
(termFormat ro AtomicNucleus "nucleu atomic") relations-ro.kif 520-520
(termFormat tg AtomicNucleus "gitna ng atom") terms-tg.txt 36-36


    (instance ?NUCLEUS AtomicNucleus)
    (exists (?NEUTRON ?PROTON)
            (component ?NEUTRON ?NUCLEUS)
            (component ?PROTON ?NUCLEUS)
            (instance ?NEUTRON Neutron)
            (instance ?PROTON Proton))))
Merge.kif 1149-1156


    (instance ?ATOM Atom)
    (forall (?NUCLEUS1 ?NUCLEUS2)
                (part ?NUCLEUS1 ?ATOM)
                (part ?NUCLEUS2 ?ATOM)
                (instance ?NUCLEUS1 AtomicNucleus)
                (instance ?NUCLEUS2 AtomicNucleus))
            (equal ?NUCLEUS1 ?NUCLEUS2))))
Merge.kif 1122-1131

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