AnnexRoom |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation AnnexRoom EnglishLanguage "AnnexRoom is a HotelRoom that is not located in the main building of a hotel, or the building of the hotel that has the HotelFrontDesk") | Hotel.kif 1122-1124 | |
(instance AnnexRoom HotelRoomAttribute) | Hotel.kif 1121-1121 |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage AnnexRoom "annex room") | Hotel.kif 1125-1125 |
antecedent |
(=> (and (element ?ROOM (PropertyFn ?HOTEL)) (attribute ?ROOM AnnexRoom) (instance ?ROOM HotelRoom)) (exists (?BLDG1 ?BLDG2 ?FRNT) (and (subOrganization ?FRNT ?HOTEL) (instance ?FRNT HotelFrontDesk) (located ?FRNT ?BLDG1) (element ?BLDG1 (PropertyFn ?HOTEL)) (element ?BLDG2 (PropertyFn ?HOTEL)) (part ?ROOM ?BLDG2) (not (equal ?BLDG1 ?BLDG2))))) |
Hotel.kif 1127-1140 |