Americano |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation Americano EnglishLanguage "An Americano is is a type of coffee drink prepared by diluting an espresso with hot water (typically 1:5). [Wikipedia] ") | Food.kif 1304-1305 | |
(subclass Americano Coffee) | Food.kif 1303-1303 |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(ingredient DrinkingWater Americano) | Food.kif 1308-1308 | |
(ingredient Espresso Americano) | Food.kif 1307-1307 | |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Americano "americano") | Food.kif 1306-1306 |
antecedent |
(=> (and (instance ?A Americano) (part ?E ?A) (part ?W ?A) (instance ?E Espresso) (instance ?W DrinkingWater) (measure ?W (MeasureFn 90.0 CelsiusDegree)) (mixtureRatio ?E ?W ?V1 ?V2 Liter)) (and (approximateValue ?V1 0.03) (approximateValue ?V2 0.15))) |
Food.kif 1321-1332 | |
(=> (instance ?A Americano) (exists (?P ?W ?E) (and (instance ?P Pouring) (patient ?P ?W) (instance ?W DrinkingWater) (measure ?W (MeasureFn 90 CelsiusDegree)) (destination ?P ?E) (instance ?E Espresso) (result ?P ?A)))) |
Food.kif 1310-1320 |