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Sigma KEE - SkinRash

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation SkinRash EnglishLanguage "A rash is a change of the Human Skin which affects its color, appearance, or texture. A rash may be localized in one part of the body, or affect all the skin. Rashes may cause the skin to change color, itch, become warm, bumpy, chapped, dry, cracked or blistered, swell, and may be painful. The causes, and therefore treatments for rashes, vary widely. [from Wikipedia]") Mid-level-ontology.kif 5734-5739
(subclass SkinRash PathologicProcess) Mid-level-ontology.kif 5732-5732

appearance as argument number 2

(diseaseSymptom LymeDisease SkinRash) Medicine.kif 1425-1425
(sideEffect Adalimumab SkinRash) Medicine.kif 3625-3625
(sideEffect Sulfasalazine SkinRash) Medicine.kif 3919-3919
(subclass Hives SkinRash) Mid-level-ontology.kif 5755-5755
(subclass Psoriasis SkinRash) Medicine.kif 2242-2242
(termFormat EnglishLanguage SkinRash "rash") Mid-level-ontology.kif 5741-5741
(termFormat EnglishLanguage SkinRash "skin rash") Mid-level-ontology.kif 5740-5740


        (instance ?S SkinRash)
        (experiencer ?S ?H))
        (exists (?I)
                (instance ?I Itching)
                (experiencer ?I ?H)
                    (WhenFn ?I)
                    (WhenFn ?S)))) Likely))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 5743-5753


        (instance ?L Lupus)
        (experiencer ?L ?H))
        (exists (?SR)
                (instance ?SR SkinRash)
                (experiencer ?SR ?H))) Likely))
Medicine.kif 2265-2274
    (attribute ?H Eczema)
    (exists (?SR)
            (instance ?SR SkinRash)
            (experiencer ?SR ?H))))
Medicine.kif 4382-4387

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