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Sigma KEE - SubjectiveAssessmentAttribute
SubjectiveAssessmentAttribute(subjective assessment attribute)2-dimensional, Aboriginal, Acheronian, Acherontic, Achilles'_heel, Ashcan_School, Assumption, Augean, Baroque, Baroque_era, Baroque_period, Boche, Bolshevik, Bolshevist, Breed's_Hill, Call, Chinaman, Christ's_Resurrection, Cimmerian, Copernican, Cultural_Revolution, Draconian, Dunkirk, Dutch_courage, Eden, Eight, Eurobabble, Fall, Fall_of_Man, Fanny_Adams, Freudian_slip, Gaul, Gilbertian, Godspeed, Gongorism, Gordian, Gordian_knot, Great_Proletarian_Cultural_Revolution, Grundyism, Guinea, Guinea_worm, Guinea_worm_disease, Hadean, Hollywood, Holy_Order, Hun, Indus_civilization, Injun, Irish_bull, Janus-faced...

appearance as argument number 1

(disjoint SubjectiveAssessmentAttribute ObjectiveNorm) Merge.kif 17394-17394 Subjective assessment attribute is disjoint from objective norm
(documentation SubjectiveAssessmentAttribute ChineseLanguage "这是缺乏客观标准为根据的 NormativeAttribute Class,也就是说判断这些 Attribute 的基础因人而异,甚至对同一个人的感受会 随时而差异,一般来说,这个 Class 只用于把外在的知识来源和SUMO联系的时候。如果一个词看似缺乏客观标准为 根据的话,我们会把它归纳到这个 Class。") chinese_format.kif 3862-3865
(documentation SubjectiveAssessmentAttribute EnglishLanguage "The Class of NormativeAttributes which lack an objective criterion for their attribution, i.e. the attribution of these Attributes varies from subject to subject and even with respect to the same subject over time. This Class is, generally speaking, only used when mapping external knowledge sources to the SUMO. If a term from such a knowledge source seems to lack objective criteria for its attribution, it is assigned to this Class.") Merge.kif 17395-17401
(subclass SubjectiveAssessmentAttribute NormativeAttribute) Merge.kif 17393-17393 Subjective assessment attribute is a subclass of normative attribute

appearance as argument number 2

(instance Clean SubjectiveAssessmentAttribute) Mid-level-ontology.kif 25611-25611 Clean is an instance of subjective assessment attribute
(instance Dangerous SubjectiveAssessmentAttribute) MilitaryPersons.kif 203-203 Dangerous is an instance of subjective assessment attribute
(instance Dirty SubjectiveAssessmentAttribute) Mid-level-ontology.kif 25616-25616 Dirty is an instance of subjective assessment attribute
(instance Favorite SubjectiveAssessmentAttribute) Dining.kif 1007-1007 Favorite is an instance of subjective assessment attribute
(instance FeelingCold SubjectiveAssessmentAttribute) emotion.kif 1857-1857 Feeling hot is an instance of subjective assessment attribute
(instance FeelingHot SubjectiveAssessmentAttribute) emotion.kif 1894-1894 Feeling hot is an instance of subjective assessment attribute
(instance HandicappedFriendly SubjectiveAssessmentAttribute) Mid-level-ontology.kif 26206-26206 Handicapped friendly is an instance of subjective assessment attribute
(instance PeaceState SubjectiveAssessmentAttribute) MilitaryProcesses.kif 1490-1490 Peace state is an instance of subjective assessment attribute
(instance WarState SubjectiveAssessmentAttribute) MilitaryProcesses.kif 1492-1492 War state is an instance of subjective assessment attribute
(subclass AmbienceAttribute SubjectiveAssessmentAttribute) Dining.kif 1061-1061 Ambience is a subclass of subjective assessment attribute
(subclass FoodAttribute SubjectiveAssessmentAttribute) Dining.kif 1125-1125 Food attribute is a subclass of subjective assessment attribute
(subclass RatingAttribute SubjectiveAssessmentAttribute) Hotel.kif 2995-2995 Rating attribute is a subclass of subjective assessment attribute
(subclass SubjectiveStrongNegativeAttribute SubjectiveAssessmentAttribute) Merge.kif 17435-17435 Subjective strong negative attribute is a subclass of subjective assessment attribute
(subclass SubjectiveStrongPositiveAttribute SubjectiveAssessmentAttribute) Merge.kif 17418-17418 Subjective strong positive attribute is a subclass of subjective assessment attribute
(subclass SubjectiveWeakNegativeAttribute SubjectiveAssessmentAttribute) Merge.kif 17443-17443 Subjective weak negative attribute is a subclass of subjective assessment attribute
(subclass SubjectiveWeakPositiveAttribute SubjectiveAssessmentAttribute) Merge.kif 17426-17426 Subjective weak positive attribute is a subclass of subjective assessment attribute
(subclass TemperatureAttribute SubjectiveAssessmentAttribute) Mid-level-ontology.kif 25715-25715 Temperature attribute is a subclass of subjective assessment attribute
(subclass TimeAttribute SubjectiveAssessmentAttribute) Dining.kif 1022-1022 Time attribute is a subclass of subjective assessment attribute
(termFormat ChineseLanguage SubjectiveAssessmentAttribute "主观评价属性") chinese_format.kif 1242-1242
(termFormat EnglishLanguage SubjectiveAssessmentAttribute "subjective assessment attribute") english_format.kif 1705-1705
(termFormat FrenchLanguage SubjectiveAssessmentAttribute "attribut subjectif") french_format.kif 920-920
(termFormat Hindi SubjectiveAssessmentAttribute "vyaktinishtha mUlyaankana visheshataa") terms-hindi.txt 454-454
(termFormat ItalianLanguage SubjectiveAssessmentAttribute "AttributoSoggettivo") terms-it.txt 457-457
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage SubjectiveAssessmentAttribute "主観評価属性") japanese_format.kif 2604-2604

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        (attribute ?OBJ ?ATR)
        (instance ?ATR SubjectiveAssessmentAttribute))
    (exists (?TIME ?JUDGE ?AGENT)
            (instance ?JUDGE Judging)
            (agent ?JUDGE ?AGENT)
            (patient ?JUDGE ?OBJ)
            (result ?JUDGE
                (attribute ?OBJ ?ATR))
            (holdsDuring ?TIME
                (believes ?AGENT
                    (property ?OBJ ?ATR))))))
Merge.kif 17403-17416

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