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Sigma KEE - FreshWaterArea
FreshWaterArea(fresh water area)
Darling, Darling_River, Great_Lakes, Sabine, fishpond, horsepond

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation FreshWaterArea ChineseLanguage "这是一处不含盐 WaterWaterArea,例如: 河流和湖泊。") chinese_format.kif 1451-1452
(documentation FreshWaterArea EnglishLanguage "A WaterArea whose Water is not saline, e.g. most rivers and lakes.") Merge.kif 14185-14186
(externalImage FreshWaterArea " 4/ 49/ Water_surface_lake.jpg") pictureList.kif 8493-8493
(subclass FreshWaterArea WaterArea) Merge.kif 14184-14184 Fresh water area is a subclass of water area

appearance as argument number 2

(disjoint SaltWaterArea FreshWaterArea) Merge.kif 14180-14180 Salt water area is disjoint from fresh water area
(subclass Creek FreshWaterArea) Geography.kif 5674-5674 Creek is a subclass of fresh water area
(subclass Reservoir FreshWaterArea) Geography.kif 5624-5624 Reservoir is a subclass of fresh water area
(subclass River FreshWaterArea) Geography.kif 5473-5473 River is a subclass of fresh water area
(termFormat ChineseLanguage FreshWaterArea "淡水区") chinese_format.kif 952-952
(termFormat EnglishLanguage FreshWaterArea "fresh water area") english_format.kif 1111-1111
(termFormat FrenchLanguage FreshWaterArea "plan d'eau non sal�") french_format.kif 628-628
(termFormat Hindi FreshWaterArea "alavana jala kshetra") terms-hindi.txt 159-159
(termFormat ItalianLanguage FreshWaterArea "SuperficieD'AcquaDolce") terms-it.txt 162-162
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage FreshWaterArea "淡水地域") japanese_format.kif 2313-2313
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage FreshWaterArea "Area Aquatica nao-salgada") portuguese_format.kif 580-580
(termFormat cz FreshWaterArea "fresh water area") terms-cz.txt 196-196
(termFormat ro FreshWaterArea "întindere de apã proaspãtã") relations-ro.kif 649-649
(termFormat tg FreshWaterArea "laki ng tubig wala asin") terms-tg.txt 163-163


        (instance ?INLET Inlet)
        (meetsSpatially ?INLET ?WATER)
        (instance ?WATER FreshWaterArea))
    (instance ?INLET FreshWaterArea))
Geography.kif 5246-5251


        (instance ?INLET Inlet)
        (meetsSpatially ?INLET ?WATER)
        (instance ?WATER FreshWaterArea))
    (instance ?INLET FreshWaterArea))
Geography.kif 5246-5251
    (instance ?OASIS Oasis)
    (exists (?WATER)
            (instance ?WATER FreshWaterArea)
            (located ?WATER ?OASIS))))
Geography.kif 6650-6655

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