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Sigma KEE - FoodForFn

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation FoodForFn ChineseLanguage "这是一个 Function,它用来表示 SelfConnectedObject 所含的 Nutrient,如碳水化物、蛋白质和脂肪等,它们可以由某一类有生命的 Animal 摄入体内然后经过 新陈代谢成为能量和身体组织。") chinese_format.kif 3482-3484
(documentation FoodForFn EnglishLanguage "A Function that denotes SelfConnectedObject containing Nutrients, such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, that can be ingested by a the given class of living Animal and metabolized into energy and body tissue.") Merge.kif 14906-14909
(domainSubclass FoodForFn 1 Organism) Merge.kif 14904-14904 The number 1 argument of food for fn is a subclass of organism
(externalImage FoodForFn " food.png") pictureList.kif 440-440
(instance FoodForFn UnaryFunction) Merge.kif 14903-14903 Food for fn is an instance of unary function
(rangeSubclass FoodForFn SelfConnectedObject) Merge.kif 14905-14905 The values returned by food for fn are subclasses of self connected object

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage FoodForFn "food for %1 ") domainEnglishFormat.kif 3470-3470
(format ChineseTraditionalLanguage FoodForFn "food for %1 ") domainEnglishFormat.kif 3469-3469
(format EnglishLanguage FoodForFn "food for %1") domainEnglishFormat.kif 3468-3468
(relatedInternalConcept Fodder FoodForFn) Mid-level-ontology.kif 20064-20064 Fodder is internally related to food for fn
(termFormat EnglishLanguage FoodForFn "food for fn") domainEnglishFormat.kif 64880-64880


        (subjectiveAttribute ?X Won ?JUDGE)
        (instance ?X
            (FoodForFn Human)))
    (exists (?CONTEST ?AGENT ?PROC)
            (contestObject ?CONTEST ?X ?AGENT)
            (instance ?PROC Judging)
            (agent ?PROC ?JUDGE)
            (subProcess ?PROC ?CONTEST))))
Dining.kif 900-909
    (instance ?FOOD
        (FoodForFn ?A))
    (exists (?NUTRIENT)
            (instance ?NUTRIENT Nutrient)
            (part ?NUTRIENT ?FOOD))))
Merge.kif 14911-14916
    (instance ?OBJ
        (FoodForFn Animal))
    (exists (?ATTR)
            (instance ?ATTR TasteAttribute)
            (attribute ?OBJ ?ATTR))))
Merge.kif 17710-17715


        (attribute ?X Produce)
        (instance ?X FruitOrVegetable))
    (hasPurpose ?X
        (exists (?H)
                (instance ?H Harvesting)
                (result ?H ?X)
                (instance ?X
                    (FoodForFn Human))))))
Economy.kif 4195-4204
        (attribute ?X Waiter)
        (instance ?X Human)
        (employs ?REST ?X)
        (instance ?REST Restaurant)
        (customer ?CUST ?REST)
        (located ?CUST ?TABLE)
        (instance ?TABLE Table))
    (exists (?DINING ?C ?FOOD ?KITCHEN)
            (possesses ?REST ?KITCHEN)
            (instance ?KITCHEN KitchenArea)
            (instance ?DINING DiningArea)
            (located ?TABLE ?DINING)
            (hasPurpose ?X
                    (instance ?C Carrying)
                    (agent ?C ?X)
                    (origin ?C ?KITCHEN)
                    (destination ?C ?TABLE)
                    (patient ?C ?FOOD)
                    (instance ?FOOD
                        (FoodForFn Human)))))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 20628-20650
        (instance ?ACT Ingesting)
        (resource ?ACT ?F))
        (instance ?F
            (FoodForFn Organism))
        (instance ?F Medicine)))
Merge.kif 10288-10294
        (instance ?CHEW Chewing)
        (resource ?CHEW ?FOOD))
    (instance ?FOOD
        (FoodForFn Organism)))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 11581-11585
        (instance ?F Feeding)
        (patient ?F ?O))
    (instance ?O
        (FoodForFn Animal)))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 11603-11607
        (instance ?MENU Menu)
        (catalogItem ?X ?MENU))
    (subclass ?X
        (FoodForFn Human)))
Dining.kif 178-182
        (instance ?ORG Organization)
        (attribute ?ORG FoodAndBeverageStores))
    (exists (?EV ?MEM)
            (member ?MEM ?ORG)
            (agent ?MEM ?EV)
            (exists (?THING)
                    (instance ?EV Selling)
                        (instance ?THING
                            (FoodForFn Animal))
                        (instance ?THING Beverage))
                    (patient ?EV ?THING))))))
naics.kif 7319-7333
        (instance ?P FoodPickup)
        (agent ?P ?AGENT)
        (destination ?P ?CUST)
        (patient ?P ?FOOD))
        (instance ?FOOD
            (FoodForFn Human))
        (exists (?LOC ?T ?G)
                (located ?AGENT ?LOC)
                (instance ?T Translocation)
                (agent ?T ?CUST)
                (destination ?T ?LOC)
                (instance ?G Getting)
                (origin ?G ?AGENT)
                (destination ?G ?CUST)
                (patient ?G ?FOOD)))))
Dining.kif 610-627
        (instance ?V Vending)
        (objectTransferred ?V ?O)
            (instance ?O Currency)))
            (instance ?O
                (FoodForFn Human))
            (instance ?O Beverage)) Likely))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 1979-1988
    (attribute ?FOOD RawAttribute)
    (instance ?FOOD
        (FoodForFn Organism)))
Food.kif 51-53
    (attribute ?X Fodder)
    (hasPurpose ?X
        (exists (?H)
                (instance ?H Harvesting)
                (result ?H ?X)
                (instance ?X OrganicObject)
                (instance ?X
                    (FoodForFn DomesticAnimal))))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 20068-20077
    (attribute ?X ForageCrop)
    (hasPurpose ?X
        (exists (?A)
                (instance ?A Agriculture)
                (result ?A ?X)
                (instance ?X Plant)
                (instance ?X
                    (FoodForFn DomesticAnimal))))))
Economy.kif 4809-4818
    (attribute ?X SnackAndNonalcoholicBeverageBars)
    (hasPurpose ?X
        (exists (?SELL ?FOOD)
                (instance ?FOOD
                    (FoodForFn Human))
                (instance ?SELL Selling)
                (patient ?SELL ?FOOD)
                (agent ?SELL ?X)))))
naics.kif 11668-11676
    (instance ?BAKERY Bakery)
    (exists (?SERVICE ?FOOD ?BAKE)
            (instance ?BAKE Baking)
            (result ?BAKE ?FOOD)
            (instance ?FOOD
                (FoodForFn Human))
            (agent ?BAKE ?BAKERY)
            (instance ?SERVICE CommercialService)
            (agent ?SERVICE ?BAKERY)
            (instance ?SERVICE Selling)
            (patient ?SERVICE ?FOOD))))
Dining.kif 70-81
    (instance ?C Restaurant)
    (exists (?S ?F ?B)
            (instance ?S CommercialService)
            (agent ?S ?C)
            (instance ?S Selling)
            (instance ?B RestaurantBuilding)
            (eventLocated ?S ?B)
            (patient ?S ?F)
            (instance ?F
                (FoodForFn Human)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 7308-7318
    (instance ?COOK Cooking)
    (exists (?FOOD)
            (instance ?FOOD
                (FoodForFn Human))
            (result ?COOK ?FOOD))))
Merge.kif 12913-12918
    (instance ?D Dish)
    (hasPurpose ?D
        (exists (?F ?E)
                (instance ?E Eating)
                (patient ?E ?F)
                (patient ?E ?D)
                (instance ?F
                    (FoodForFn Animal))
                (located ?F ?D)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 4428-4437
    (instance ?FD FoodDistributionOperation)
    (exists (?FOOD ?CA)
            (instance ?FOOD
                (FoodForFn Animal))
            (instance ?CA CognitiveAgent)
            (patient ?FD ?FOOD)
            (destination ?FD ?CA)
                    (WhenFn ?FD))
                (possesses ?CA ?FOOD)))))
Military.kif 62-71
    (instance ?S Sandwich)
    (exists (?B1 ?B2 ?F)
            (instance ?B1 BreadOrBiscuit)
            (instance ?B2 BreadOrBiscuit)
            (instance ?F
                (FoodForFn Human))
            (between ?B1 ?F ?B2)
                (equal ?B1 ?B2))
                (equal ?B1 ?F))
                (equal ?B2 ?F))
            (part ?B1 ?S)
            (part ?B2 ?S)
            (part ?F ?S))))
Food.kif 1584-1597
    (instance ?STORE GroceryStore)
    (exists (?SELL ?FOOD)
            (instance ?SELL Selling)
            (agent ?SELL ?STORE)
            (patient ?SELL ?FOOD)
            (instance ?FOOD
                (FoodForFn Animal)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 7845-7852
    (instance ?T MilitaryFoodTruck)
        (KappaFn ?P
                (instance ?P Transportation)
                (instance ?F
                    (FoodForFn Animal))
                (patient ?P ?F))) instrument ?T))
Military.kif 210-218
    (instance ?TW TapWater)
        (instance ?TW
            (FoodForFn Human)) Likely))
Food.kif 285-289
    (instance ?X
        (DeadFn CerealGrain))
    (exists (?CLASS)
            (instance ?X ?CLASS)
            (equal ?CLASS
                (FoodForFn Animal)))))
Economy.kif 4035-4040
    (instance ?X Buffet)
    (forall (?ITEM)
            (member ?ITEM ?X)
            (instance ?ITEM
                (FoodForFn Human)))))
Dining.kif 260-265
    (instance ?X HotelMiniBar)
    (memberType ?X
        (FoodForFn Human)))
Hotel.kif 1723-1725

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Display limited to 25 items. Show next 25


(equal Blood
    (FoodForFn Mosquito))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 12664-12664 Blood is equal to food for mosquito
(equal Food
    (FoodForFn Human))
Merge.kif 14919-14919 Food is equal to food for human
(industryProductType FoodManufacturing
    (FoodForFn Animal))
Economy.kif 1744-1744 Food for animal is an industry product type of food manufacturing
(subclass Apple
    (FoodForFn Animal))
Food.kif 2180-2180 Apple is a subclass of food for animal
(subclass Avocado
    (FoodForFn Animal))
Food.kif 2282-2282 Avocado is a subclass of food for animal
(subclass Coconut
    (FoodForFn Animal))
Food.kif 2371-2371 Coconut is a subclass of food for animal
(subclass DateFruit
    (FoodForFn Animal))
Food.kif 2189-2189 Date fruit is a subclass of food for animal
(subclass Honey
    (FoodForFn Animal))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 21660-21660 Honey is a subclass of food for animal
(subclass LemonFruit
    (FoodForFn Animal))
Food.kif 2328-2328 Lemon fruit is a subclass of food for animal
(subclass OrangeFruit
    (FoodForFn Animal))
Food.kif 2342-2342 Orange fruit is a subclass of food for animal
(subclass Pea
    (FoodForFn Animal))
Economy.kif 4113-4113 Pea is a subclass of food for animal
(subclass PearFruit
    (FoodForFn Animal))
Food.kif 2194-2194 Pear fruit is a subclass of food for animal
(subclass WineGrape
    (FoodForFn Animal))
Food.kif 3689-3689 Wine grape is a subclass of food for animal

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